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Table 2 Summary of categories, themes, and subthemes identified in the articles included in the meta-synthesis (n = 24) related to the changes in dimensions of quality of life

From: Women’s experiences with yoga after a cancer diagnosis: a qualitative meta-synthesis—part I



Category 1: Yoga can support improvements in multiple dimensions of QoL in women diagnosed with cancer

Regain the ability to perform basic and instrumental activities of daily living

Improved physiological functions of body systems

Improved physical fitness and body alignment

Improved execution of tasks or activities

Improvements in fatigue and energy

Reductions in pain, numbness, and cancer-related symptoms

Let go of negative emotions and thoughts while embracing inner tranquility

Increased emotional regulation

Increased experiences of positive feelings, emotions, and mood

Connect the mind and body to gain a deeper self-appreciation and understanding of oneself

Increased mental strength and resilience

Increased connection to and awareness of the body, behaviors, and capabilities

Improved coping

Increase in positive beliefs about the self

Increased feelings of acceptance, reduced inner critiques, and freeing oneself from negative thoughts, feelings, and beliefs

Increased understanding of self and increased feelings of empowerment and self-advocation of needs

Improved outlook and mindset

Quiet the mental chatter to focus on the present

Increased focus

Increased attention

Increased feelings of mindfulness

Find contact and connection for emotional support and companionship

Increased sociability

Feeling connected to others

Category 2: Women diagnosed with cancer experience an interaction between QoL dimensions

Greater control over emotions coupled with more positive emotions supports the functioning of body systems, positive self-evaluations and coping methods, and connection with others

Improved fitness supports positive self-beliefs, sociability, and emotional regulation

Category 3: Elements of yoga that support improvements in QoL dimensions

Being in a group of others who share common experiences

Detailed and tailored instruction

Physical postures, turning inward, and breathwork

Category 4: Breathwork and meditation are integral elements of yoga

Separate strategies that can be used in daily life

Facilitation of inner tranquility, connection to internal states, awareness of body, and decreased rumination on the external

Category 5: Yoga practice may support lifestyle behavior change