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Table 1 Eligibility criteria, based on study population, concept, context, and types of evidence

From: Understanding and treating body image disturbances in eating disorders through body illusion interventions: a scoping review protocol





Participants of any age range with any of the following conditions: a an ED meeting DSM or other clinical criteria; b presence of subclinical ED (determined by questionnaire cut-off, clinical interviews or clinical judgements)

Other populations not meeting the inclusion criteria


Describe the implementation of body illusions.

Studies not considering body illusions.


Any context. The context will not be limited to any specific geographic location

Types of evidence sourcesa

- Peer-reviewed studies will be considered since they provide a high standard of evidence and reliability

-Grey literature will include academic theses/dissertations, primarily to identify references to relevant peer-reviewed articles.

• Qualitative study designs such as grounded theory, ethnography, phenomenology, and action research and qualitative descriptive design. In addition, commentaries, opinion pieces, letters, editorials, trial registrations, evaluation reports, abstracts, books, book chapters, or book reviews

• Systematic and literature reviews or protocols will not be included, but will instead be used to identify potentially relevant studies, depending on the research question

• Conference proceedings due to limited detail in their abstracts

• Articles for which we cannot obtain the full text


Observational, analytical, cross-sectional, and longitudinal studies will be considered. The article must include statistical analyses that place participants diagnosed with clinical EDs and/or participants with subclinical ED symptomatology and healthy participants into separate groups


Studies from any language

Time framea

Studies from any year, given the desired breadth of the review

  1. aNot part of the PCC framework. Added by the authors to highlight included and excluded evidence types