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Table 1 Two-dimensional categorization for retraction reasons

From: Investigate the relationship between the retraction reasons and the quality of methodology in non-Cochrane retracted systematic reviews: a systematic review


Academic misconduct

No academic misconduct

Scientific errors

Falsification/fabrication (data, image, results); manipulation (images, results); plagiarism (data, image); sabotage (materials, methods); fake peer review

Concerns/issues (data, image, results); contamination (cell lines/tissues, materials, reagents); error (analyses, cell lines/tissues, data, materials, methods, results/conclusions); results not reproducible; unreliable (data, image, results)

No scientific errors

Duplication (article, data, image, text); euphemisms (duplication, misconduct, plagiarism); forged authorship; misconduct (official investigation/finding, author, company/institution, third party); plagiarism (article, text)

Author unresponsive, breach of policy (author, third party); complaints (author, company/institution, third party); concerns/issues (authorship, referencing/attributions, third party involvement); conflict of interest; error (journal/publisher, third party, text)

  1. Source: This table is taken from a part of the appendix of Feng et al.’s study [23]