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Table 1 Search hedge developed for the Web of Science™ multidisciplinary database and subsequently adapted

From: Climate change, biodiversity loss, and Indigenous Peoples’ health and wellbeing: a systematic umbrella review protocol


Search terms

Indigenous Peoples

Aasax OR Aboriginal* OR “Aboriginal-Malay” OR Aborigine OR […]a



health OR “one health” OR wellness OR wellbeing OR well-being OR disease* OR morbidity OR mortality OR illness* OR infect* OR death OR injur* OR medical OR disorder


Climate change

“climate change*” OR “climatic change*” OR “environmental change*” OR "environmental loss*" OR "environmental degradation" OR "environmental dispossession" OR “changing climate*” OR “ecosystem change*” OR “ecological change*” OR “climate risk*” OR “climatic risk*” OR “extreme climate*” OR “climate uncertaint*” OR “climate variability” OR “climatic variability” OR “climate disaster” OR “climate resilience” OR “carbon footprint” OR “global warming” OR “earth warming” OR “global temperature” OR “greenhouse effect” OR “greenhouse gas*” OR GHGE OR “carbon emission*” OR carbon OR decarbonization OR holocene OR anthropocene OR cryospher* OR atmospher* OR biodiversity OR "biodiversity loss"


Review of reviews

review* OR “metaanalysis” OR metaanalysis OR "knowledge synthesis" OR "evidence synthesis" OR overview

  1. a“Indigenous Peoples” search terms (including umbrella terms “Aboriginal*” and “Indigenous” as well as specific people groups/nations) are adapted from [40] and abbreviated here. The full-search hedge can be found in Additional file 2.1