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Table 3 Studies assessing RR during meditation compared to baseline in LTMs

From: Respiratory function in healthy long-term meditators: a systematic review


RR measured at

Study findings

Mean/SD, effect estimates and confidence intervals

Sukhsohale and Phatak, 2012 [26]

Baseline, during meditation at 2-time points (at 15 minutes of meditation and 30 minutes of meditation)

RR significantly decreased during meditation both at 15 minutes and 30 minutes of meditation compared to baseline.

a). RR at 15 minutes of meditation vs. baseline; [SMD= −0.4, overall effect= 2.41 (p= 0.02), 95% CI (−0.73 to −0.08)]

b). RR at 30 minutes of meditation vs. baseline; [SMD= −0.5, overall effect = 2.97 (p=0.003), 95% CI (−0.83 to −0.17)]

Kodituwakku et al., 2012 [23]

Baseline, during meditation at 3 time points (early, middle, and late; each 8 minutes)

RR decreased during meditation at all 3 time intervals (early, middle, late) compared to the baseline reporting the highest level of significance in the early phase (p<0.001).

a). RR at early phase of meditation vs. baseline; [SMD= −7.19, overall effect= 6.25 (p<0.00001), 95% CI (−9.45 to −4.94)]

b). RR at middle phase of meditation vs. baseline; [SMD= −0.51, overall effect= 1.28 (p=0.2), 95% CI (−1.29 to 0.27)]

c). RR at late phase of meditation vs. baseline; [SMD=−0.48, overall effect= 1.2 (p=0.23), 95% CI (−1.26 to 0.3)]

Wallance and Benson, 1972 [6]

Baseline, during meditation

RR decreased during meditation compared to the baseline.

MD= 2 breaths/minute; (mean/SD data, level of significance not reported)

Telles, Nagarathna and Nagendra, 1995 [25]

Baseline, during meditation

No significant difference in RR during meditation compared to baseline.

a). RR during meditation = (mean ±SD, 10.4 ±3.3),

b). Baseline RR = (mean ±SD, 10.8 ±3.6); [MD= −0.4, overall effect =0.22 (p= 0.83), 95% CI = 3.22]

Telles and Desiraju, 1993 [21]

Baseline, during meditation

No significant difference in RR during meditation compared to the proceeding baseline.

Pre-meditation RR= (mean ±SD; 12.1 +2.4 breaths/40s), during meditation period-with target thinking; = (mean ±SD; 13.4 +3.5 breaths/40s)

[MD= 1.3, overall effect =1.3 (p= 0.19), 95% CI = 3.26]

  1. MD Mean difference, SMD Standard mean difference, SD Standard deviation, 95% CI Confidence interval at 95%