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Table 1 Risk-of-bias assessment for genetic association studies based on the HuGE Review Handbook V1.0*

From: Genetic association studies in critically ill patients: protocol for a systematic review

  1. Abbreviations: Y yes, PY probably yes, NI no information, PN probably no, N no
  2. *Each domain has signaling questions. Only if answers to all signaling questions within a domain are “yes” or “probably yes,” then the domain will be assessed as “low risk of bias.” If the answers to any of the signaling questions within a domain are “no information,” then the domain will be assessed as “some concerns.” If one or more of the answers to signaling questions within a domain are “probably no” or “no,” then the domain will be assessed as “high risk of bias.” We will consider studies that are assessed as having “low risk of bias” in all domains as being at “overall low risk of bias.” Studies with one or more of these domains assessed as “some concerns” or “high risk of bias” will be judged as being at “overall high risk of bias”