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Table 1 Key questions to inform an update of recommendations by the task force on hypertension screening in adults aged 18 years and older in primary care

From: Screening for hypertension in adults: protocol for evidence reviews to inform a Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care guideline update

Key questions


What are the benefits and harms of screening for hypertension in adults?


How do the benefits and harms vary by (a) screening interval and (b) age at screening?


What is the cumulative incidence of hypertension (a) over different screening intervals and/or (b) at different ages?


In adults without a prior diagnosis of hypertension, how do different blood pressure measurement methods predict CVD morbidity, CVD mortality, and all-cause mortality?


In adults without a prior diagnosis of hypertension, and taking into account measurement method, at what cardiovascular disease risk levels should primary care providers initiate discussions regarding potential interventions for hypertension?

This guideline question will be addressed in this review by answering the key question:

“What is the effectiveness of initiating antihypertensive drug treatment at differing blood pressure thresholds or cardiovascular disease risk levels?”


What is the acceptability of screening for hypertension when informed of the possible benefits and harms from screening in adults?


Does the acceptability of screening differ by measurement method?