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Table 1 Contingency table and associated variables used to assess each study screening approacha

From: Title-plus-abstract versus title-only first-level screening approach: a case study using a systematic review of dietary patterns and sarcopenia risk to compare screening performance


Qualified studies

Unqualified studies

Potential studies

Included studies

Included qualified studies or Included ‘Trues’


Included unqualified studies or Included ‘Falses’


Potential included studies

T + F

Excluded studies

Excluded qualified studies or Excluded ‘Trues’


Excluded unqualified studies or Excluded ‘Falses’


Potential excluded studies

Q + E-(T + F)

Total studies

Total qualified studies or Total ‘Trues’


Total unqualified studies or Total ‘Falses’


Total potential studies

Z = Q + E

  1. aA contingency table is a simple 2 × 2 matrix where one of the axes indicates a study’s eligibility qualification status (e.g., whether a study should have been included/excluded) and the other axis indicates the study’s actual eligibility status (e.g., whether a study has actually been included/excluded) as determined by the reviewer. From this matrix, the following key metrics can be calculated to help determine screening performance [13]:
  2. • Sensitivity = T / Q (This measure describes how effective the screening approach is at correctly identifying which studies to include and how ineffective it is at excluding qualified studies)
  3. • Specificity = (E—F) / E (This measure describes how effective the screening approach is at correctly identifying which studies to exclude and how ineffective it is at including unqualified studies)
  4. • Accuracy = ((T / Q) + ((E—F) / E)) / Z (This measure describes how effective the screening approach is at correctly identifying which studies to include and exclude overall)
  5. • Predictive Power = T / (T + F) (This measure describes how effective overall the screening approach is at including qualified studies)