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Table 2 Initial data extraction charting template

From: Associations between nature exposure, screen use, and parent–child relations: a scoping review protocol



Article data


Full title of the article


Who is/are the author(s)?

 Publication year

When was the study published?


In which country was the study conducted?

Study characteristics

 Key concepts

Does the study focus on nature exposure, screen use, parent/child relations or a combination of these?


What were the study aims and objectives?

 Concept/variable definitions

How were key concepts/variables defined?

Population characteristics

 Sample size

How many people participated in the study?

 Participant role

Parents, mothers, fathers or carers?


Participants’ age


Participants’ gender


For example, home, school, recreation, etc



For example, named measure vs made up items

 Data collection methods

For example, surveys, interviews, observational

 Analysis type

How were findings analysed?

 Confounding variables

For example, exercise

Knowledge contribution

 Key findings

What were the main study results?

 Key limitations

What were the main study limitations?

 Key recommendations

What were the main recommendations for future research?