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Table 1 Search strategy keywords, alternative terms, and database-specific search termsa

From: Trauma-informed prevention programmes for depression, anxiety, and substance use among young people: protocol for a mixed-methods systematic review

Concept group

Search terms

Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms (PubMed)a

American Psychological Association Index Terms (PsychINFO)

Emtree terms (Embase)

CINAHL Subject Headings (CINAHL Complete)

1. Trauma-informed

trauma-informed OR trauma-sensitive OR trauma-awarea OR posttraumaa OR adverse childhood experiencea OR child maltreatment

‘Stress disorders, Post-Traumatic’ OR ‘Child Abuse’ OR ‘Psychological Trauma’ OR ‘Adverse Childhood Experiences’

‘Trauma’ OR ‘Trauma-Informed Care’ OR ‘Emotional Trauma’ OR ‘child Abuse’ OR ‘Childhood Adversity’

‘Posttraumatic Stress Disorder’ OR ‘Childhood Adversity’ OR ‘Psychotrauma’ OR ‘Child Abuse’

‘Adverse Childhood Experiences’ OR ‘Psychological Trauma’ OR ‘Child Abuse’

2. Mental ill-health

mental health OR depressia OR anxia

Mental Health OR Depression OR Anxiety OR Anxiety Disorders

Depression (Emotion) OR Anxiety OR Anxiety Disorders

Depression OR Anxiety OR Anxiety Disorder

Depression OR Anxiety OR Anxiety Disorders

3. “Substance usea

substance-usea OR alcohol misusea OR cannabisa OR tobaccoa OR vapinga OR electronic cigarettea OR e-cigarettea OR illicit druga OR “methamphetaminea” OR ecstasya OR opioida OR alcohola OR amphetamine OR cocainea OR opiatea OR heroina OR inhalanta OR marijuana OR LSD OR MDMA OR GHB OR ketamine OR kava OR steroida OR NPS OR hallucinogena OR benzodiazepinea OR stimulanta

‘Substance-Related Disorders’[MeSH]

‘Substance Use Disorder’ OR ‘Substance Use Prevention’

‘Substance Use’ OR ‘Substance Abuse’

‘Substance Use Disorders’ OR ‘Substance USE’

4. Prevention

prevention OR educationa OR programa OR campaigna OR curriculuma

‘Primary Prevention’[MeSH] OR ‘Secondary Prevention’[MeSH] OR ((healtha OR preventiona OR educationa) adj3 (programa OR designa OR implementata OR evaluata OR stratega OR initiativea OR campaigna OR promota OR curriculuma OR policy OR policies))

‘Harm Reduction’ OR ‘Prevention’ OR ‘Relapse Prevention’ OR ((healtha OR preventiona OR educationa) adj3 (programa OR designa OR implementationa OR evaluationa OR stratega OR initiativea OR campaigna OR promota OR curriculuma))

‘Prevention’ OR ‘Prevention Study’ OR ‘Primary Prevention’ OR ‘Secondary Prevention’ OR ‘Smoking Prevention’ OR ((healtha OR preventiona OR educationa) adj3 (programa OR designa OR implementationa OR evaluationa OR stratega OR initiativea OR campaigna OR promota OR curriculuma))

‘Substance Use Prevention’

5. Young people

youth OR adolescena OR teena OR “young people” OR child OR “young adulta

Adolescent OR Young Adult OR Child


Adolescent OR Child OR Young Adult

Young Adult OR Child

  1. aThe five domains detailed in Table 1 are connected via the use of Boolean operators in the following manner: (1 AND (2 OR 3) AND 4 AND 5)