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Table 2 Description of the articles categorized into new applications or design of software

From: Graduate and postgraduate educational challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic period: its impact and innovations—a scoping review

S. No.

Article type



Number of participants

Type of participants

Online latforms

Description of adopted strategy


Strength of evidence


Research Letter (Laurence, Fryer, Sonnier, & Taylor‐Bishop, 2020) [26]


North America


Undergraduate students

ZOOM platform and Epidemix

Course in infection diseases was taught to the dental students in three sessions, in the form of lectures (session one and two) and through the software developed (session three) of about 1 h each to make available the infectious disease transmission visualizing and understanding to a wider audience.

More than 87% of the participants have found the course useful and improved their understanding of infectious disease modeling.

The developed software is free to all users and can be used through an easy-to-use interactive interface. Furthermore, complex courses like infectious disease modeling that require specialized mathematical training can be effectively taught with minimal training.


Research Letter (Trujillo, Tirado, Vivas, Eulufi, & Cohen, 2020) [52]


South/Latin America


Postgraduate students

A web-mobile based technology (LAPP)

Pre-recorded video instructions were delivered, trainees watched and uploaded exercises, and received feedback within 72 h by experts.

Participants received more than 13,000 feedback from the experts on their uploaded videos.

Convenience and easy scalability.