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Table 4 Findings from the reviews

From: Gestational diabetes mellitus, follow-up of future maternal risk of cardiovascular disease and the use of eHealth technologies—a scoping review




Types and number of included studies


Aim of review

Outcomes assessed in review

Description of interventions


- Edwards et al. [39]

- 2022

- UK

- 30 articles included overall in review

- 6 in a postpartum setting

- Scoping review

- 6 databases searched: MEDLINE, CINAHL, Embase, Cochrane Library, Scopus, and TRIP

- Women with known risk of GDM, currently having GDM or having had GDM previously

- For the purpose of the present review, only the section focusing on postpartum studies was considered

- Examine the literature on mHealth as primary mode of preventing T2DM after GDM

- Efficacy not assessed, merely presenting the characteristics, content and implementation of the various mHealth technologies in the different studies, and whether these incorporated behavior change theory/techniques

- mHealth interventions, e.g., smartphone apps, wearable sensors, social media. Where mHealth was part of a broader intervention, it had to be considered the primary mode of intervention to be included in the review

- For the postpartum studies, no assessment of the efficacy ameliorating cardiovascular risk was presented in the review

- Good engagement noted for two apps

- The authors note a lack of studies were mHealth was the primary mode of intervention postpartum

- Gilinsky et al. [40]

- 2015

- UK

- 13 studies included in systematic review

- 5 in meta-analysis for weight outcomes

- 4 included in meta-analysis for fasting blood glucose outcome

- Systematic review and meta-analysis

- 4 databases searched: Web of Science, CCRCT, Embase, and Science DIRECT

- Women with a previous GDM diagnosis

- Systematically review lifestyle interventions for women with previous GDM and assess changes in diet, physical activity, anthropometric outcomes and glycemic control and diabetes risk

- For systematic review: changes in activity, diet, and anthropometric outcomes

For meta-analysis: weight loss, glycemic control, and T2DM risk

- Physical activity: 3

- Diet: 2

- Combination of diet and physical activity: 8

- 6 of 11 studies with a physical activity intervention reported effect

- All 6 studies on diet interventions reported a favorable effect

- Meta-analysis showed significant weight loss effect: Weighted mean difference= -1.06 kg (95% CI = − 1.68, − 0.44, p < 0.0.1),, but this was attributable to the effect reported in one Chinese study [51] that was excluded from this review on the grounds of being a feasibility study/interim report

- Not significant results for glycemic control or T2DM risk

- Goveia et al. [41]

- 2018

- Brazil

- 15 RCTs included in systematic review

- 14 included in the various meta-analyses: 8 for T2DM, 9 for fasting glucose, 7 for 2h glucose level, 10 for BMI, 9 for weight, and 7 for waist circumference

- Systematic review and meta-analysis

- 5 databases searched: PubMed, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Web of Science, and Embase

-Women with a previous GDM diagnosis

- Systematically review RCTs with lifestyle interventions in a postpartum setting for women with previous GDM

- Primary: incidence of T2DM or changes in glycemia

- Secondary: changes in weight or waist circumference

- Lifestyle interventions

- 10 studies tested a combination of diet and exercise

- 1 study diet, exercise, and breastfeeding

- 3 studies exercise alone

- 1 study diet alone

- 8 studies assessing incidence of T2DM showed a borderline significant risk reduction of 25% (RR = 0.75, 95% CI 0.55–1.03). No significant effect for the other glycemic measures. Small, but statistically significant reductions for weight (MD = –1.07 kg; 1.43–0.72), BMI (MD = –0.94; –1.79 –0.09), and waist circumference (MD = − 0.98 cm; − 1.75–0.21)

- Guo et al. [42]

- 2016

- China/USA

- 12 RCTs included in systematic review

- Systematic review.

- 11 databases searched: PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, Cochrane Reviews, CENTRAL, Scopus, PsycINFO, ERIC, Wan Fang Data, China Knowledge Resource Integrated Database, and VIP Data

- Women with previous GDM

- Assess outcomes of RCTs concerning diabetes prevention with previous GDM

- Incidence of T2DM, insulin resistance and weight-related outcomes

- 6 studies a combination of diet and physical activity, (with or without psychosocial support measures)

- 1 diet, physical activity, and breastfeeding

- 3 exercise (with or without psychosocial support)

- 2 diet (with or without psychosocial support)

- 10 studies reported on T2DM development; of these, 7 studies reported at least a small, positive effect

- 5 studies with at least a small effect size on insulin resistance; for weight-related measures, the corresponding figure was 11 of the 12 studies

- Halligan et al. [43]

- 2021

- UK

- 14 RCTs in systematic review, 6 included in meta-analyses

- Systematic review and meta-analysis

- Five databases searched: Embase, MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and The Cochrane Library

- Women with previous GDM

- Comparing the effectiveness of digital/telemedicine interventions with standard care

- Primary: weight and BMI for meta-analyses

- Secondary: waist circumference, fasting plasma glucose, physical activity, and diet

- 6 studies where telephone contact was primary intervention

- 4 webprogram/-platform

- 1 smartphone app

- 3 SMS

- For both weight (− 1.83 kg, 95% CI − 4.08–0.42, p = 0.11) and BMI (− 0.9, 95% CI − 1.89–0.09, p = 0.08), the meta-analysis favored intervention, but not statistically significant

- For the secondary outcomes of the systematic review, there were no clear, statistically significant patterns

- Hedeager Momsen et al. [44]

- 2021

- Denmark

- 18 systematic reviews included

- Overview of reviews, using the principles from the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) methodology

- Six databases searched: Cochrane Library, PubMed, JBI, Embase, CINAHL, Web of Science

- Women with previous GDM

- Presenting an overview of reviews for T2DM prevention interventions in women after GDM, in order to use this information for establishing local interventions

- Incidence of T2DM, encouragement of healthy behavioral changes and consequences for the woman’s own perception of increased T2DM risk

- 7 reviews primarily lifestyle (diet and/or physical activity) interventions

- 6 reviews with both lifestyle and pharmacological interventions

- 6 reviews also included breastfeeding promoting interventions

- 1 review examining determinants for adherence to physical activity, as well as its effectiveness

- 3 reviews on screening regimes

- Lifestyle, breastfeeding and pharmacological interventions all appeared to decrease the incidence of postpartum T2DM

- Effects larger the earlier after labor it was implemented, and the longer it lasted

- Huang et al. [45]

- 2022


- 7 controlled intervention studies, of which 6 RCTs and one with a quasi-experimental design

- Systematic review

- 7 databases searched: MEDLINE, CINAHL, Embase, Cochrane Central, Web of Science, PsycINFO, and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

- Women with current or previous GDM

- Investigate the characteristics and effectiveness of lifestyle interventions both in pregnancy and postpartum for preventing T2DM after GDM

- Glucose regulation, weight, lifestyle behaviors, and knowledge

- The postpartum interventions were all lifestyle interventions (diet and/or physical activity)

- Varying modes of delivery of interventions: individual in-person visits, telephone, group sessions, SMS, and multimodular

- Glucose regulation: 1 study showing significant effect, 3 without effect

- Weight change: 3 with effect, 3 without effect

- Physical activity: 3 with effect, 4 no effect

- Diet: 2 with effect, 3 no effect

- Jones et al. [46]

- 2017


- 10 RCTs

- Systematic review

- 2 databases searched: MEDLINE and CINAHL

- Women with previous GDM

- Synthesize knowledge and practices regarding postpartum, multimodular lifestyle interventions to reduce risk of T2DM

- Weight loss, diet, physical activity

- Recruitment rates

- Multimodal lifestyle interventions

-Telephone and mail primary modes of contact in 7 studies

- Website primary mode of contact in 3 studies

- Individualized interventions may improve outcomes regarding postpartum weight loss and dietary quality

- Not significant for physical activity

- Low recruitment rates even for primarily home-based interventions

- Li et al. [47]

- 2021

- China

- 15 RCTs, 4 with intervention during pregnancy, 11 with intervention postpartum included in systematic review and meta-analysis

- Systematic review and meta-analysis

- 17 databases searched: PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Embase, SpringerLink, Wiley Online Library, Science Direct, MEDLINE, JAMA, CNKI, Wanfang Med Online, Lancet, Nature, Science, NEMJ, and Google Scholar

- Women with GDM in index pregnancy, where data on postpartum diabetes was available

- Assess the effects of lifestyle interventions during and after pregnancy to reduce the risk of postpartum T2DM after a GDM pregnancy

- Risk of postpartum T2DM

- Lifestyle interventions (diet and/or physical activity)

- Lifestyle interventions commenced within 3 years postpartum showed a 43% risk reduction compared to standard care: RR 0.57, 95% CI 0.42–0.78)

- Morton et al. [48]

- 2014

- UK

- 11 studies included in systematic review

- 6 RCTs, 4 comparative cohort studies, one open-label observational study

- Systematic review

- 5 databases searched: MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, Maternity and Infant Care, Cochrane Library

- Women with previous GDM

- Examine the effectiveness of interventions for delaying or preventing T2DM after a GDM pregnancy

- Effect on T2DM risk factors and incidence of T2DM

- 6 studies (3 RCTs and 3 observational cohort studies): lifestyle interventions (diet and/or physical activity)

- 4 studies (3 RCTs and 1 observational study): pharmacological (1 RCT where it was combined with lifestyle intervention)

- 2 breastfeeding

- Trials involving lifestyle interventions indicated that they might be beneficial, but there was no consistent, statistically significant effect across the trials

- Pedersen et al. [50]

- 2017

- Denmark

- 10 RCTs included in systematic review

- 4 trials in meta-analysis

- Systematic review and meta-analysis

- Four databases searched: PubMed, Cochrane Library, Embase, CINAHL

- Women with previous GDM

- Examine the effectiveness of behavioral interventions on preventing T2DM after GDM

- 5 incidence of T2DM

- 6 effect on biomarkers of insulin resistance

- 9 trials weight change

- The 4 trials included in meta-analysis had T2DM incidence as outcome

- 8 studies combination of diet and physical activity

- 1 physical activity only

- 1 diet only

- All the trials included in meta-analysis showed a tendency for reduction of incidence of T2DM, but not statistically significant. The pooled analysis showed a statistically significant risk difference in intervention group vs control of − 5.02 per 100 (95% CI: − 9.24 to − 0.80)

- Four trials showed a statistically significant effect on weight/BMI, five trials no significant effect

- The outcomes concerning markers of insulin resistance were inconsistent

- Peacock et al. [49]

- 2014

- Australia

- 30 studies included in systematic review

- Systematic review

- Three databases searched: PubMed, CINAHL, and MEDLINE

- Examine strategies and programs aimed at reducing risk of T2DM after GDM and the barriers to participation as well as the role of midwives in such programs

- Incidence of T2DM, dietary behavior change, weight loss, physical activity

- Mainly lifestyle interventions (diet, activity, etc.). 1 with a pedometer and web-based educational module. 3 of the RCTs and 1 observational also included pharmacological intervention, of which one RCT and one observational looking exclusively at the effect of a pharmacological intervention

- 5 of the 8 RCTs and 3 of 5 observational studies reported positive results for the intervention concerning T2DM incidence or related risk factors

  1. Abbreviations: HbA1c Glycated hemoglobin, T2DM Type 2 diabetes mellitus, GDM Gestational diabetes mellitus, BMI Body mass index, RCT Randomized controlled trial