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Table 1 Search strategy

From: Use of artificial intelligence in discerning the need for prostate biopsy and readiness for clinical practice: a systematic review protocol

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Search terms


Artificial intelligence

"Artificial Intelligence + " [MeSH] OR "Computer Heuristics" [MeSH] OR Algorithm* OR “artificial intelligen*” OR AI OR “computational intelligen*” OR “computer-aided” OR “computer assisted” OR “computer heuristic*” OR “computer reasoning” OR “computer vision” OR “deep learning” OR “machine intelligen*” OR “machine learning” OR “neural network*” OR “supervised learning” OR “unsupervised learning”


Prostate cancer

“Prostatic Neoplasms + ” [MeSH] OR “prostatic neoplasm*” OR “prostate neoplasm*” OR “prostate cancer*” OR “prostatic cancer*” OR “cancer of the prostate” OR PCa


Clinical significance

aggressive OR "clinically significant" OR "cancer involvement per core" OR "gleason score* OR ((number OR percentage OR proportion) NEAR/5 (“positive core*” OR “cores positive”))



"Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures + " [MeSH] OR "Diagnosis + " [MeSH] OR "Diagnosis, Computer-Assisted + " [MeSH] OR "Early Diagnosis + " [MeSH] OR assess* OR classif* OR detect* OR diagnos* OR identif* OR screen*


Use of artificial intelligence in diagnosis of clinically significant prostate cancer

#1 AND #2 AND #3 AND #4