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Table 3 General characteristics of the included studies

From: Effectiveness of training programs based on mindfulness in reducing psychological distress and promoting well-being in medical students: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Study ID





Time frame measurement


Warneck et al. (2011) [46]


Medical students in the final 2 years of their degree course

Location: distributed across three clinical schools attached to the University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

Number of students randomized = 65

Intervention group = 31

Control group = 34

8-week mindfulness-based intervention program (adapted from Kabat-Zinn, 1982), 28 h of practice

In addition:

- 30 min audio, CD of guided mindfulness practice, followed independently every day

- Adherence diary

- No face-to-face meetings nor interaction between

the instructors and students

The mindfulness intervention CD after the 8-week trial period as an incentive to remain in the trial

- Perception of stress: PSS

- Depression, Anxiety and Stress: DASS

T1: before intervention

T2: following the intervention (8 weeks)

T3: 16 weeks (4 months) following the intervention

Funding source:

the Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE)

Declarations of interest: no conflicts

Erogul, et al. (2014) [47]


First-year class of students

Location: SUNY Downstate School of Medicine in Brooklyn, New York, USA

Number of students randomized = 57

Intervention group = 28

Control group = 29

8-week mindfulness-based intervention program Group (adapted from Kabat-Zinn, 1982), 10 h of practice

In addition:

- Between the 7th and 8th weekly meeting, full-day retreat

- Home practice: individual sessions of daily meditation for 20 min for the 8-week intervention

The control group did not receive any intervention during the 8-week study period

- Perceived stress: PSS

- Resilience: RS

T1: before the intervention

T2: after the intervention

T3: 6 months after the intervention

Funding source:

Arnold P. Gold Foundation

Declarations of interest: none reported

Phang et al. (2015) [48]


Medical students in year 1 to 3 of studies in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia

Number of students randomized = 75

Intervention group = 37

Control group = 38

“Mindful-Gym”: 5-week mindfulness-based intervention program Group (adapted from Kabat-Zinn, 1982), 10 h of practice

In addition:

- Shorter in duration with more emphasis on informal practice, includes sessions on gratitude and cultivation of loving-kindness, and contains instructions tailored for medical students

- Home practice: daily self-help exercises audio-guided instructions on a CD

They were informed that they would receive the program in a DVD 6 months later (after the follow-up period)

- Level of awareness and mindful attention: MAAS

- Perceived stress: PSS

- Mental distress: GHQ

T1: 1 week before intervention

T2: 1 week after the interventions

T3: 6 months after the interventions

Funding source:

The Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, UPM, and a research grant from UPM

Declarations of interest: none reported

van Dijk et al. (2017) [49]

Medical students in first-year clinical neurology clerkship, in Radboudumc University in Nijmegen, Netherlands

Number of students randomized = 167

Intervention group = 83

Control group = 84

8-week mindfulness-based intervention program Group (adapted from Kabat-Zinn, 1982), 16 h of practice

In addition:

- Addition of 10 min of interactive presentation each week related to the session

- No silent retreat

- Adaptation of the folder material for use in clinical clerkship students instead of patients

- Home practice: online questionnaire that asked how much time, on average, they had spent each week on home practice

Clinical clerkships as usual in first-year clinical clerkship students

- Psychological distress: BSI

- Positive mental health: MHC-SF

- Physician empathy: JSPE

- Mindfulness skills: FFMQ

T1: before intervention

T2: 3 months after T1

T3: 7 months after T1

T4: 12 months afterT1

T5: 15 months after T1

T6: 20 months after T1

Funding source:

The Department of Psychiatry and Department of Primary and Community Care of the Radboudumc and by a grant of the Department of Evaluation, Quality and Development of Education of the Radboudumc

Declarations of interest: none reported

Yang et al. (2018) [50]


Medical students at Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California (USC), USA

Number of students randomized = 88

Intervention group = 45

Control group = 43

4-week mindfulness-based intervention program (adapted from Kabat-Zinn, 1982), 7.08 h of practice

In addition:

- Smartphone application "Headspace", an audio-guided mindfulness meditation program, structured such that each session lasts 10 min for the first ten days, 15 min for the next 15 days, and 20 min for all subsequent sessions

- No face-to-face meetings nor interaction between the instructors and students

Waiting list

- Stress: PSS

- Mindfulness: FFMQ

- Well-being: GWBS

T1: before intervention

T2: 30-day (1 month) time point

T3: 60-day (2 months) time point

Funding source:

none reported

Declarations of interest: none reported

Damião Neto et al. (2020) [51]


First-year incoming medical students at the School of Medicine, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Juiz de Fora – Minas Gerais – Brazil

Number of students randomized = 141

Intervention group = 70

Control group = 71

6-week mindfulness-based intervention program Group (adapted from Kabat-Zinn, 1982), 12 h of practice

In addition:

- Students stayed in a conventional classroom with school chairs

- Home practice: four audios in MP3 format via email for guided home practice and practice daily for at least 10 min and bring a meditation diary including information of how many days students had practiced at home

The control group was given theoretical content in which they were shown organizational aspects of medical school

- Depression, Anxiety, and Stress: Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS)

- Quality of Life: WHOQOL-BREF

- Mindfulness: FFMQ-BR

T1: before intervention

T2: after intervention

Funding source:

none reported

Declarations of interest: no conflict of interest

Astin (1997) [52]


Undergraduate students in an upper-division Behavioral Medicine class

Location: University of California, Irvine, USA

Number of students randomized = 28

Intervention group = 14

Control group = 14

8-week mindfulness-based intervention program group (adapted from Kabat-Zinn, 1982), 16 h of practice

In addition:

- No all-day meeting

- Home practice (cassette tapes) for 45 min/ day, 5 days/ week

Waiting list

- Psychological distress: Hopkins SC-90-R and subscales

T1: before intervention

T2: following the intervention (8-weeks)

T3: 6–9 months following the intervention

Funding source:

none reported

Declarations of interest: none reported

Shapiro et al. (1998) [53]


Premedical and medical students

Inclusion criteria: students willing to be randomly assigned to either the intervention

Location: The University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson, USA

Number of students randomized = 73

Intervention group = 36

Control group = 37

7-week mindfulness-based intervention program group (adapted from Kabat-Zinn, 1982), 17.5 h of practice

In addition:

a “loving-kindness” and a “forgiveness” meditation were introduced and a weekly home practice assignments as well as daily journals

waiting list

- Empathy: ECRS

- Psychological distress:


- Depression:subscale 4 of the SCL-90

- State and trait Anxiety:


T1: before intervention

T2: following the intervention (7 weeks)

Funding source:

none reported

Declarations of interest: none reported

  1. CD compact disk, PSS Perceived Stress Scale, DASS Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale, RS Resilience Scale; DVD digital versatile disc, MASS Mindful Attention Awareness Scale, GHQ General Health Questionnaire, BSI Brief Symptom Inventory, MHC-SF Mental Health Continuum-Short Form, JSPE Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy, FFMQ Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire, FFMQ-BR Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire, GWBS General Well-Being Schedule, WHOQOL-BREF World Health Organization Quality of Life, ECRS Empathy Construct Rating Scale, SCL-90-R The Hopkins Symptom Checklist 90 Revised, STAI – Form Y The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory- Form Y