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Table 1 Examples of potential factors in the categories of Context, Intervention, and Mechanism with coding criteria

From: Job crafting interventions: what works, for whom, why, and in which contexts? Research protocol for a systematic review with coincidence analysis

Category and factor

Coding criteria: Assign 1 when

Coding criteria: Assign 0 when

Context (C)


The intervention is described as implemented in response to a specific organizational need

The intervention is implemented without consideration of a specific need

 Presence of co-occurring changes

Changes co-occurring with the intervention are mentioned

No co-occurring changes are described

 Homogeneity of the profession

Intervention participants all have the same/similar job (e.g., all are nurses, all are teachers, etc.)

Participants in the interventions have mixed jobs/professions

Intervention (I)

 Job analysis

The intervention included an analysis of resources (mental, physical, social, and organizational factors, enabling professional goals to be achieved and reduction of costs), demands (mental, physical, social, and organizational, requiring effort or skills from the employee), organizational barriers, and/or constraints

The intervention activities did not include any job analysis pertaining to job demands, resources, organizational barriers, or constraints

 Action plans

The intervention involved planning future JC activities by participants

No plans for JC activities were created by participants as a result of an intervention


The participants received reminders about fulfilling action plans or post-workshop homework

No reminders were provided for participants about fulfilling action plans or post-workshop homework

Mechanism (M)

 Job demands-resources model

The authors indicate that their intervention study and hypotheses are based on the JD-R model

No or theories other than the JD-R model are mentioned

 Self-determination theory

The authors clearly indicate that their intervention study and hypotheses are based on self-determination theory

No or theories other than self-determination theory are mentioned

 Theory of planned behavior

The authors clearly indicate that their intervention study and hypotheses are based on the theory of planned behavior

No, or other, theories than the theory of planned behavior are mentioned