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Table 1 Eligibility criteria

From: The impact of educational interventions on modifying health practitioners’ attitudes and practice in treating people with borderline personality disorder: an integrative review

Population, Concept, Context [40] Criteria


Health practitioners including, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, mental health nurses, general practitioners, primary care nurses, and other mental health workers who treat people with BPD in healthcare settings such as, outpatients, inpatients, and community-based settings


Structural stigma specific to BPD and crisis care


International peer-reviewed studies investigating educational interventions designed to modify health practitioners’ attitudes and practice in treating people with BPD in healthcare settings

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Articles included were:

Evaluated educational interventions designed to modify health practitioners’ attitudes and practice in treating people with BPD in an outpatient, inpatient, and community-based setting

Evaluated structural stigma as an outcome in healthcare settings

Original research including peer-reviewed publications on quantitative, qualitative, mixed-methods, and review designs

Written in English language only

Articles excluded were:

Evaluated health practitioners’ treating people with other mental illnesses

Not reporting outcomes specific to borderline personality disorder and structural stigma

Not conducted in non-clinical settings such as, educational institutions

Studies of low quality