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Table 3 Definition of response rates and primary and secondary outcomes

From: Honorary authorship in health sciences: a protocol for a systematic review of survey research



Number of emails with questionnaires on HA issues sent (N1)

The total number of emails with questionnaires on HA issues sent.

Number of emails with questionnaires on HA issues not bounced (N2)

The total number of emails with questionnaires on HA issues sent that had surveyees with valid email addresses.

Number of questionnaires for which the surveyee was available (N3)

The total number of emails with questionnaires sent to assess HA issues with surveyees with valid email addresses and for which the surveyee was available. Unavailability can be the result of, e.g., automated responses such as ‘out of office’, ‘study leave’, ‘on strike’, ‘vacation leave’, ‘maternity leave’

Number of partly or completely answered questionnaires (N4)

The total number of questionnaires on HA issues received back in which the questions were answered (either partial or completely).

Number of completely answered questionnaires (N5)

The total number of questionnaires on HA issues received back in which all questions were answered.

Overall response rates in questionnaires on HA issues

N4 or N5/N1, N2, or N3

Number of questionnaires that answered the question on review item 1a (N6)

The total number of questionnaires received back in which the question on review item 1a was answered.

Response rate on review item 1a

N6/N1, N2, N3, N4 or N5

Number of questionnaires in which the respondents reported review item 1a (N7)

The number of questionnaires in which the respondents reported review item 1a, i.e., perceiving other co-author(s) as honorary author(s) on a publication.

Prevalence of review item 1a (primary outcome)


Number of questionnaires that answered the question on review item 2b (N8)

The total number of questionnaires received back in which the question on review item 2b was answered.

Response rate on review item 2b

N8/N1, N2, N3, N4, or N5.

Number of questionnaires in which the respondents reported review item 2b (N9)

The number of questionnaires in which the respondents reported review item 2b, i.e., having been approached by others to include honorary author(s) on a publication.

Prevalence of review item 2b (primary outcome)


Number of questionnaires that answered the question on review item 3c (N10)

The total number of questionnaires received back in which the question on review item 3c was answered.

Response rate on review item 3c

N10/N1, N2, N3, N4, or N5

Number of questionnaires in which the respondents reported review item 3c (11)

The number of questionnaires in which the respondents reported review item 3c, i.e., admitting being an honorary author on a publication.

Prevalence of review item 3c (secondary outcome)


Number of questionnaires that answered the question on review item 4d (N12)

The total number of questionnaires received back in which the question on review item 4d was answered.

Response rate on review item 4d

N12/N1, N2, N3, N4, or N5.

Number of questionnaires in which the respondents reported review item 4d (N13)

The number of questionnaires in which the respondents reported review item 4d, i.e., admitting adding an honorary author(s) on a publication.

Prevalence of review item 4d (secondary outcome)


Number of questionnaires that answered the question on review item 5e (N14)

The total number of questionnaires received back in which the question on review item 5e was answered.

Response rate on review item 5e

N14/N1, N2, N3, N4 or N5

Number of questionnaires in which the respondents reported review item 5e (15)

The number of questionnaires in which the respondents reported review item 5e, i.e., admitting having approached others to include honorary author(s) on a publication.

Prevalence of review item 5e (secondary outcome)


  1. aReview item 1: Researchers perceiving other co-author(s) as honorary author(s) on a publication
  2. bReview item 2: Researchers having been approached by others to include honorary author(s) on a publication
  3. cReview item 3: Researchers admitting being an honorary author on a publication
  4. dReview item 4: Researchers admitting adding an honorary author(s) on a publication
  5. eReview item 5: Researchers admitting having approached others to include honorary author(s) on a publication