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Table 6 Summary of findings according to the GRADE approach. Population: orthodontic patients of any age and sex. Intervention: any type of removable or fixed orthodontic appliance resulting in OTM. Comparisons: any control group was accepted, i.e. untreated group, contralateral sides in split mouth design, control group with different type of orthodontic activations (i.e. force applied and constant or increasing forces)

From: Fluctuation of bone turnover markers’ levels in samples of gingival crevicular fluid after orthodontic stimulus: a systematic review


Quality of the evidence


No. of participants (studies)


Alcaline phosphatase (ALP)


Very low a

Due to inconsistency and indirectness




Osteopontin (OPN)


Very low b

Due to indirectness



2 studies were excluded because they had different comparison groups

Osteocalcin (OC)


Very low c

Due to indirectness



2 studies excluded due to the lack of comparison group

N-telopeptides (NTX)


Low d



One study was excluded due to the lack of comparison group

Tartate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)


Very low e



  1. aDowngraded by two levels for bias due to high risk of bias for both included randomized studies and due to the inclusion of non-randomized studies with critical/serious risk of bias
  2. bDowngraded by two levels for bias due to high risk of bias for both included randomized studies
  3. cDowngraded by two levels for bias due to the inclusion of non-randomized studies with moderate/serious risk of bias
  4. dDowngraded because this is a non-randomized study
  5. eDowngraded by two levels for bias due to high risk of bias for both included randomized studies
  6. Deoxypyridinol (DPD), bone alkaline phosphatase (BALP), and pyridinoline (PYD) are not included in the table since there is no comparison group in the included studies