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Table 1 Draft list of variables to be extracted

From: Incorporating and evaluating citizen engagement in health research: a scoping review protocol

Citation details

List of authors (surnames)

Year of publication


Publisher (e.g., journal, institution)

Document type (e.g., framework OR model OR report)

Type of research (i.e., primary study OR secondary study)

Research area (e.g., health sciences, social sciences, and natural sciences and engineering)

Characteristics of intended participants (i.e., citizens)

Population of focus (patient, family, healthcare provider, researcher, knowledge-user, decision-maker)




Geographical location

Citizen engagement


Definition of citizen engagement

Type and goals of engagement (e.g., priority setting, decision-making, research conduct, implementation, evaluation, dissemination)

Engagement frameworks used

Engagement uptake

Methods (if applicable)

Study design

Sample size

Outcome measurement

Results and discussion (if applicable)

Findings and outcomes of citizen engagement

Barriers to citizen engagement

Facilitators of citizen engagement

Benefits of citizen engagement

Challenges and risks of citizen engagement

Strategies to mitigate challenges and risks of citizen engagement

Author-stated conclusions (if applicable)