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Table 1 PICOS and inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Predictors and moderators of outcome of psychotherapeutic interventions for mental disorders in adolescents and young adults: protocol for systematic reviews

PICOS strategy




Adolescents (12–18 years) and young adults (19–30 years) with a mental disorder diagnosis: anxiety, obsessive–compulsive and trauma-related disorders, depressive and bipolar disorders, psychotic disorders, eating disorders, personality disorders, substance-related disorders, autism, attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorders


adolescent OR young adult


Anxiety Disorders: anxiety disorder; neurotic disorder; panic disorder; agoraphobia; social phobia; social anxiety; mutism; separation anxiety; phobic disorder; phobia; generalized anxiety; obsessive compulsive; ocd; hoarding; body dysmorphic disorder; body image disorder; trichotillomania; hair pulling disorder; excoriation disorder; dermatillomania; skin picking disorder; trauma and stressor related disorders; traumatic stress disorder; posttraumatic stress disorder; stress disorder, post-traumatic; ptsd; acute stress disorder; adjustment disorder; Depressive Disorders: mood disorder; depressive disorder; depression; affective disorder; dysthymic disorder; dysthymia; premenstrual dysphoric disorder; seasonal affective. Bipolar Disorders: bipolar and related disorders; bipolar disorder; mania; manic depression; bipolar depression; pediatric bipolar; cyclothymic disorder; cyclothymia. Psychotic disorders: schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders; psychotic disorder; psychosis; psychoses; schizophrenia; schizoaffective; schizophreniform; reactive psychosis; reactive psychoses. Eating disorders: feeding and eating disorder; feeding disorder; eating disorder; anorexia; bulimia; binge eating; pica; rumination disorder; avoidant restrictive food intake; arfid; avoidant eating; purging disorder; night eating syndrome; food addiction; orthorexia; ednos; ofsed. Personality disorders: personality disorder, schizotypal personality, schizoid personality; paranoid personality; narcissistic personality; borderline personality; histrionic personality; antisocial personality; obsessive compulsive personality; avoidant personality; dependent personality; character pathology; character neurosis; axis II disorder. Substance use disorders: substance related disorder; substance use disorder; substance abuse; substance misuse; substance dependence; addiction; drug use; drug abuse; drug addiction; alcohol related disorder; alcohol use disorder; alcohol abuse; alcohol dependence; alcoholism; amphetamine; cocaine; inhalant; marijuana; cannabis; opioid; heroin; opium; morphine; hallucinogen; tobacco; nicotine; smoking; polydrug; stimulant; substance induced psychosis; substance induced psychotic disorder; drug psychosis; drug psychoses. Autism: autistic spectrum disorder; autism spectrum disorder; autistic disorder; autism; asperger syndrome; asperger; asperger’s; child development disorders, pervasive; pervasive child development disorder. ADHD: attention deficit disorder; adhd; hyperkinetic disorder; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Conduct disorders: conduct; conduct disorder; oppositional defiant; defiant disorder; externalizing behavior; externalizing behavior; antisocial behavior; antisocial behaviour

Age range or mean age of participants under 12 or over 30 years.

Participants not being diagnosed or having disorder-specific symptoms below the agreed-upon cut-off point.


Psychotherapeutic interventions:

Keywords: Psychotherapy; Psychotherapeutic treatment; Psychotherapeutic intervention; Psychological therapy; Psychological treatment; Psychological intervention; Psychosocial therapy; Psychosocial treatment; Psychosocial intervention; Supportive therapy

Supportive treatment; Counselling; Counseling; Motivational interviewing; Psychoeducation; Psychoeducational; Cognitive therapy; Cognitive analytic therapy; Behavioral therapy; Behavioural therapy;

CBT; Psychoanalysis; Psychodynamic therapy; Psychoanalytic therapy;

Dynamic therapy; Transference focused (therapy); Mentalization based (therapy); Metacognitive therapy; Interpersonal therapy; Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy; Schema therapy; Schema-focused therapy;

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy; Acceptance based (therapy); Problem solving therapy; Problem solving treatment; Insight oriented therapy; Rational emotive; Solution focused therapy; Family therapy

Family systems therapy; Parenting intervention; Parent management training; Group therapy; Mind–Body Therapy; Art Therapy; Dance Therapy; Music Therapy; Play Therapy; Expressive therapy; Cognitive remediation; Cognitive training; Behavioral activation; Behavioural activation; Behavior activation; Behavioral weight control; Behavioural weight control; Applied behavior analysis; Applied behaviour analysis; Attention bias modification; Exposure and response prevention; Exposure therapy; Systematic Desensitization; Eye movement desensitization reprocessing; EMDR; Psychology biofeedback; Hypnosis; Mindfulness; Relaxation

Prevention programs.

Studies testing interventions using only medication arms.

Studies with interventions targeting only parents.



No exclusion criteria.


Quantitative studies including pre- and post-measurement published in peer-review journals

Qualitative studies.


Book chapters.

S—study design

Clinical outcome trials: RCT, controlled trials, empirical trials, naturalistic setting, case studies

Filters: Clinical Trial OR Comparative study

Case studies where n < 10 or results not being reported in group level.