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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the prediction of CP by the GMA in late-preterm and term infants with NE

From: The assessment of general movements in term and late-preterm infants diagnosed with neonatal encephalopathy, as a predictive tool of cerebral palsy by 2 years of age—a scoping review


Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria


Studies with infants who were:

- ≥ 34 0/7 wks GA

- Diagnosis of NE

- Had a GMA done between birth up to 6 months of life

- had an assessment for CP by at least 2 years of age

Studies in which a diagnosis of CP was made after 2–3 years of age

Studies with infants born with life-threatening congenital abnormalities, congenital viral infections, an abnormal karyotype, and metabolic disorders

Animal studies


GMA as a predictor of CP by 2 years of age is the main concept



Studies that reported on:

- Infants with NE managed and diagnosed by the standard of care (neurological history and examination)

- Studies from all countries that have outcomes reported in the acute neonatal and in the follow-up period by 2 years of age

- Studies in the English language only

Text and opinion papers were not considered for inclusion as this is a highly specific and medical topic

  1. CP cerebral palsy, GA gestational age, GMA general movements assessment, NE neonatal encephalopathy, wks weeks