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Table 3 Summary of the association between variables of the publishing journal and the publishing articles with Altmetric scores

From: What are the variables associated with Altmetric scores?

Studies and analyses

Citation counts

Journal impact factor

Access counts

Open access

Time since publication

Press release

Correlation analysis

Amath et al. [15]

r = 0.25


r = 0.30


Assad et al. [17]

r = 0.33


Ayoub et al. [26]

r = 0.62


Barakat et al. [18]

r = 0.33


Barbic et al. [19]

r = 0.22

r = 0.35


Costas et al. [22]

r = 0.18

r = 0.19


Dagar et al. [23]

r = 0.43


Knight [27]

r = 0.16* and r = 0.23**


Kunze et al. [29]

r = 0.36


Richardson et al. [28]

r = 0.32


Richardson et al. [31]

r = 0.12


Rosenkrantz et al. [32]

r = 0.20


Linear regression analysis

Chen et al. [21]

R2 = 0.00


Multivariate regression analysis

Araujo et al. [11]

β = 5.2* and β = 10.1**

β = 3.4


β = −4.9


Araujo et al. [16]

β = 2.9* and β = 6.37**

β = 15.36* and β = −3.21**


β = 0.74* and β = 4.04**

β = −21.99* and β = 18.13**


Haneef et al. [24]


RoM = 1.10


RoM = 1.48


RoM = 10.14

Boosted regression trees analysis

Lamb et al. [30] Altmetric scores were strongly associated with citation counts.

Principal component analysis and factor analysis

Bornmann et al. [20] Altmetric reader score are associated to citation counts.

Didegah et al. [25] Altmetric reader score are associated to citation counts.

  1. *These numbers represent Altmetric mentioned. **These numbers represent Altmetric reader. r = correlation estimates. RoM = regression coefficients represent the logarithm of ratio of mean. β = β coefficient