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Table 1 Population characteristics (protected or other) considered for inclusion in this review

From: Advancing mental health equality: a mapping review of interventions, economic evaluations and barriers and facilitators



Protected characteristics (Equality Act 2010)


Children and young peoplea

Older adultsa


People with intellectual/learning disability and/or autism

People with physical or sensory impairment


Cultural and ethnic minority groups

 Religion or belief

Religious communities

 Pregnancy and maternity

New or expectant mothersa


Men or womena

People who are intersexb

 Gender reassignmente

People who are transsexual or transgender

 Sexual orientation

People with a minority sexual orientation

Other characteristics (from the NICE equality impact assessment)

 Socioeconomic status

People with a low socioeconomic statusc

 Other categories

Other groups in the population who experience poor health because of circumstances often affected by, but going beyond, sharing a protected characteristic or socioeconomic status. The following are examples of groups covered in the NICE guidance [26]:

• refugees and asylum seekers

• migrant workers

• looked after children

• homeless people

• prisoners and young offendersd

  1. aStudy population with this characteristic must also have an additional characteristic (intersectionality) or need that puts them at risk of experiencing mental health inequalities
  2. bThis is not explicitly protected by the Equality Act 2010
  3. cDepending on policy or other context, this may cover factors such as social exclusion and deprivation associated with geographical areas, or inequalities or variations associated with other geographical distinctions (e.g. rural or urban poverty)
  4. dStudy population with this characteristic only includes children and young people
  5. eThis term is that used in the Equality Act 2010 where it is also stated that this term includes the protection of any person who is proposing to undergo or is undergoing a process of changing physiological attributes of biological sex