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Table 1 Characteristics of included studies

From: Association between subthreshold depression and self-care behaviors in people with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review of observational studies


Country of the study

Aim of the study

Study population characteristics

Study design

Study setting

Sample size/sample size calculation

Sampling technique

Data source

Definition of subthreshold depression

Measures used


Confounder variables adjusted

Key observation

Dirmaier et al. [43]


To investigate the effect of depression on adherence to medical recommendation (concerning medication adherence and health behavior) and to investigate the effect of depression and adherence to medical recommendation (medication adherence and health behavior) on HbA1c

Type 2 diabetes patients aged 18 years or older; mean age, 65.7 years; female, 48.8%

Longitudinal study

Hospital based in primary care

866/not specified

Random sampling

DETECT study of 55,518 patients

DSQ score between 5 and 7 indicated subthreshold depression

-Depression Screening Questionnaire (DSQ)

-Medication non-adherence: one question

-Non-adherence with health behavior: five item questionnaires

Logistic and linear regression

Gender, age, marital status, employment status, education, physical activity, BMI, smoking, drinking, duration of diabetes, and type of diabetes treatment

Subthreshold depression was associated with problems with health behavior whereas it was not associated with medication adherence.

Shin et al. [44]


To examine whether problem-solving and diabetes self-care behaviors differed by depressive disorder diagnosis

Type 2 diabetes patients aged 18 years or older; mean age, 58 years; female, 59%

Cross-sectional study

Hospital based

103/not specified

All patients with type 2 diabetes seen in the clinic between 1st Feb 2011 and 30th June 2013.

Primary (data from patients attending Diabetes Center Clinics at John Hopkins)

DSM-IV criteria for minor depression

-PHQ-2 followed by SCID-I/NP

-Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities (SDSCA)

ANOVA and multiple linear regression

Age, sex, and diabetes duration

Minor depression was not associated with neither the total score nor the subscale score (diet, exercise, blood sugar, foot care, medication) of self-care activities.

  1. SCID-I/NP Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV Axis I Disorders, non-patient edition