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Table 4 Findings into difference in gut microbiome composition between CFS/ME and health controls

From: A systematic review of enteric dysbiosis in chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis


Increased microbial genera in CFS/ME vs HC

Decreased microbial genera in CFS/ME vs HC

Armstrong et al.

Clostridium spp. (relative count, p = 0.020)

Total bacteria (absolute count, p = 0.005), total anaerobic bacteria (absolute count, p = 0.021), Bacteroides spp. (absolute count, p = 0.009; B. vulgatus and B. uniformis not significant)

Frémont et al.

*p < 0.05

**p < 0.01

NC vs. BC: Roseburia (× 1.7*), Holdmenia (× 3**)—Norwegians higher Firmicutes

NC vs. BC: Bacteroides (× 0.36*), Alistipes (× 0.2**), Barnesiella (× 0.2**), Parabacteroides (× 0.26**), Prevotella (× 0.025**)

NP vs. NC: Lactinofactor (× 20**), Alistipes (× 3.8*)

NP vs. NC: Roseburia (× 0.54*), Syntrophococcus (× 0.4*), Holdmenia (× 0.02**), Dialister (× 0.6*)

BP vs. BC: Lactinofactor (× 45**)

BP vs. BC: Asaccharobacter (× 0.25*)

Giloteaux et al.

Increased pro-inflammatory species, Proteobacteria (8%) family Enterobacteriaceae (6 vs. 3%)

Note: reported ‘overall microbial composition for ME/CFS and controls differed at the phylum and family levels, although none of these were statistically significant after multiple test correction

Reduced phylogenetic diversity (p = 0.004) and relative abundance of Firmicutes (35%); reduced diversity overall; decreased anti-inflammatory species

Mandarano et al.

Note: investigated Eukaryotes in gut microbiome

Composition of Eukaryotic microorganisms was unique between individuals; differences in abundances of specific eukaryotes between CFS/ME and HC did not reach statistical significance at any level of taxonomy

Gut eukaryote diversity was not different between CFS and HC

Rao et al.

Treatment vs. Placebo–treatment was 24 billion CFU Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota

Moderate increases in total aerobes + anaerobes, significant increases in Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus (significance not reported) between treatment and placebo groups from 0 to 8 weeks

Note: these results were expected because the probiotics administered contained high levels of these bacteria

Sheedy et al.

Increased total aerobes (p < 0.001), increased E. faecalis (p < 0.001), increased S. sanguinis (p < 0.001)

Lower gram positive to gram negative ratio (p < 0.01), decreased total E. coli (p = 0.98)

Shukla et al.


Mean relative abundance of Actinobacteria decreased (p < 0.05), no other significant changes

  1. CFS/ME chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis, HC healthy control, NC Norwegian control, BC Belgian control, NP Norwegian patient, BP Belgian patient