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Table 2 Overview of results

From: A comparison of results of empirical studies of supplementary search techniques and recommendations in review methodology handbooks: a methodological review



What is the method used for

What the evidence says

Implications of evidence

Claimed advantages

Claimed disadvantages

Resource requirements

Contacting study authors

6 studies

Identify: unpublished, or on-going studies, missing or incomplete data, completed but unpublished studies

Expert in field to review includes

Contact original investigators through study report contact details—mainly e-mail/telephone

E-mail considered effective with better responses from institutional addresses

Additional studies identified; additional study data provided

No guarantee of additional or all relevant information identified

Challenging and time consuming

Less successful for older studies

Additional resources needed (may need up to 3 contact attempts with authors)

Citation chasing

9 studies

Identify: further studies, clusters or networks or studies

Backward and forward citation chasing using 3 electronic citation databases

Effectiveness of electronic citation methods unclear and suggest using all 3 databases

Not limited by keywords or indexing as bibliographic database searching is

Reliant on the currency, accuracy and completeness of the underlying citation network

Citation chasing of 46 studies = 79 h or 40 studies = 5 days


12 studies

Identify: studies or publications not routinely indexed in, or identified by, searches of bibliographic databases, including recently published studies

Manual examination of the contents of topic relevant journals, conference proceedings and abstracts

Use experts to develop list of journals to handsearch

Unique study identification, increased sensitivity; identifying studies missed or not indexed in databases

Studies still missed by handsearching; time and access to resources; low precision

Range between 6 min and 1 h per journal

Searching trial registers

3 studies

Identify: unpublished, recently completed or on-going trialsFind adaptations to trial protocols reported study outcomes

Comprehensive list of registries to search

Should be completed as complementary and not in isolation

Unique study identification

Search interfaces lag behind major databases

None reported

Web searching

5 studies

Identify: studies not indexed in bibliographic databases. Retrieving grey literature, study protocols and on-going studies

Relevant websites and using search engines

Use advanced search functions where possible

Unique study identification, hints to on-going or recently completed studies

Difficulties in transparent search, quality and quantity of searches returned

429 results in 21 h; google searching 7.9 h; targeted web searching 9-11 h