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Table 1 Search strategy developed in PubMed

From: Correlates, determinants, and effectiveness of childcare educators’ practices and behaviours on preschoolers’ physical activity and eating behaviours: a systematic review protocol


Search strategy


((“Motor Activity” [Mesh:noexp] OR “motor activity” [All Fields] OR “Exercise” [Mesh] OR “exercise” [All Fields] OR “Play and Playthings” [Mesh] OR “active play” [All Fields] OR “play” [All Fields] OR “Accelerometry” [Mesh] OR “Accelerometer” OR “Physical Exertion” [Mesh] OR “Physical Exertion” [All Fields] OR “Physical Activity” [All Fields] OR “Movement” [Mesh:noexp] OR “physical activity intensity” [All Fields]) OR (“Food Preferences” [Mesh] OR “Food Preferences” [All Fields] OR “Food Behaviours” [Mesh] OR “Food Behaviours” [All Fields] OR “feeding behaviour” [MESH] OR “eating behaviour” [All Fields] OR “child nutrition sciences” [MESH] OR “child nutrition sciences” [All Fields]) OR (“Obesity/prevention and control” [Mesh] OR “obesity” [All Fields] OR “obesity prevention” [All Fields])) AND (“Caregivers” [Mesh] OR “Caregivers/psychology” [MESH] OR “Caregivers” [All Fields] OR “Faculty” [Mesh] OR “educator” [All Fields] OR “childcare provider” [All Fields] OR “childcare worker” [All Fields]) AND (“Schools, Nursery” [Mesh] OR “nursery schools” [All Fields] OR “Childcare” [Mesh] OR “Child Day Care Centers” [Mesh] OR “Child Day Care Centers” [All Fields] OR “Daycare” [All Fields] OR “preschool” [All Fields] OR “child, preschool” [MeSH Terms]) NOT (“infant” [MeSH Terms] OR “infant” [All Fields])