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Table 1 Search strategies for each database

From: The era of technology in healthcare: an evaluation of telerehabilitation on patient outcomes—a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol


Search strategy


-(e-health or ehealth).tw,kf

-exp Speech Therapy/

-exp Occupational Therapy/

-telemedicine/ or telerehabilitation/ or telehealth/ or telepsychiatry/

-(Telemedicine or tele medicine or tele-medicine or telerehab* or telepsychiatr*).tw,kf

-(Text messag* or video conferenc*).tw,kf

-((online or web or remote* or virtual or digital) adj1 (intervention* or therap* or aftercare or rehab* or consult*)).tw,kf

-occupational therapist/ or physical therapist/ or speech therapist/

-exp physical therapy/

-1 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7

-2 or 3 or 8 or 9

-10 and 11


1. (e-health or ehealth).tw,kw

2. exp Speech Therapy/

3. exp Occupational Therapy/

4. telemedicine/or telerehabilitation/or telehealth/or telepsychiatry/

5. (Telemedicine or tele medicine or tele-medicine or telerehab* or telepsychiatr*).tw,kw

6. (Text messag* or video conferenc*).tw,kw

7. ((online or web or remote* or virtual or digital) adj1 (intervention* or therap* or aftercare or rehab* or consult*)).tw,kw

8. occupational therapist/or physical therapist/or speech therapist/

9. exp physical therapy/

10. 1 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7

11. 2 or 3 or 8 or 9

12. 10 and 11


-(ehealth or e-health).ti,ab,id

-exp Speech Therapy/

-exp Occupational Therapy/

-telemedicine/ or telerehabilitation/ or telehealth/ or telepsychiatry/

-(Telemedicine or tele medicine or tele-medicine or telerehab* or telepsychiatr*).ti,ab,id

-(Text messag* or video conferenc*).ti,ab,id

-((online or web or remote* or virtual or digital) adj1 (intervention* or therap* or aftercare or rehab* or consult*)).ti,ab,id

-occupational therapist/or physical therapist/or speech therapist/

-exp physical therapy/

-1 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7

-2 or 3 or 8 or 9

-10 and 11


1. S1: (MH "Telemedicine + ") OR (MH "Telerehabilitation") OR (MH "Telepsychiatry") OR (MH "Telehealth") OR (MH "Text Messaging") OR (MH "Videoconferencing")

2. S2: “e-health”

3. S3: “ehealth”

4. S4: (virtual N2 (therapy or care or rehab* or consult* or intervention)) OR (online N2(therapy or care or rehab* or consult* or intervention)) OR (remote N2 (therapy or care or rehab* or consult* or intervention)) OR (web N2 (therapy or care or rehab* or consult* or intervention)) OR (digital N2(therapy or care or rehab* or consult* or intervention))

5. S5: (MH "Rehabilitation") OR (MH "Occupational Therapy") OR (MH "Occupational Therapy Service") OR (MH "Home Occupational Therapy") OR (MH "Occupational Therapy Practice") OR (MH "Occupational Therapy Assistants")

6. S6: S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4

7. S7: (MH "Physical Therapy") OR (MH "Physical Therapy Assessment") OR (MH "Physical Therapist Assistants") OR (MH "Home Physical Therapy") OR (MH "Physical Therapy Service")

8. S8: physical therapist or occupational therapist or speech therapist

9. S9: (MH "Speech and Language Assessment") OR (MH "Speech Therapy") OR (MH" Language Therapy") OR (MH "Alternative and Augmentative Communication") OR (MH" Rehabilitation, Speech and Language")

10. S10: S5 OR S7 OR S8 OR S9

11. S11: S6 and S10


-“telemedicine” OR “telerehabilitation” OR “telehealth” OR “ehealth” OR “e-health” OR “telepsychiatry”

-(Online or web or remote* or virtual or digital) w/1 (intervention* or therap* or aftercare or rehab* or consult*))

-“Occupational therap*” OR “physical therap*” OR “speech therap*

-#1 AND #2

-#3 AND #4