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Table 3 The main outcome categories in the evidence map matrix

From: Interventions and practices using Comfort Theory of Kolcaba to promote adults’ comfort: an evidence and gap map protocol of international effectiveness studies

Outcomes categories




The immediate experience of being strengthened through having the needs for relief, ease or transcendence met in four contexts: physical, psychospiritual, environmental and social contexts

Comfort level measured by any questionnaire or other approaches

Comfort-related variables

Close and relevant concepts to comfort experience

Pain, anxiety, depression, stress, fatigue


 Internal behaviours

Occurring at the cellular or organ level, not visible from the outside, many indicators through lab work

Immune parameters, oxygen saturation, blood pressure, cardiac output

 External behaviours

Observable behaviours

Ambulation, functional status, adherence to a medical regimen

 A peaceful death

Dying and death with conflicts are resolved, symptoms are well managed, and acceptance by the patient and family members

A peaceful death, good death

Institutional integrity

The quality or state of health care organizations being complete, whole, sound, upright, professional and ethical providers of health care

Satisfaction, successful discharges, length of stay, financial stability of hospital