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Table 2 Inclusion criteria

From: Capacity-building and continuing professional development in healthcare and rehabilitation in low- and middle-income countries—a scoping review protocol

Inclusion criteria


Records topic (e.g., reports, articles, editorials)

Records with the topic of rehabilitation (e.g., physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech-language therapy, speech-language pathology) and capacity-building or similar terms used in the literature such as education or development. This means where a session (short or long) or program (short or long) was scheduled to impart knowledge in rehabilitation

Records setting

Records limited to capacity-building strategies implemented in a LMICs as defined by the World Bank country classification 2020 [17]

Records’ participants

Participants were rehabilitation providers (i.e., individuals with a degree related to a rehabilitation profession) or other individuals involved in rehabilitation (i.e., community/lay health workers)

Study design

Any study design (e.g., systematic review, scoping review, narrative review, randomized trial, case study, case series, qualitative study, program evaluation)