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Table 2 Summary of results of the included studies

From: Measures of neck muscle strength and their measurement properties in adults with chronic neck pain—a systematic review


Measurement property

Raters and testing schedule


Muscles tested

Statistical measures


Chiu and Lo [4]

Reliability (test-retest)

Raters not reported

Between day testing

Time interval: 2–3 days


Neck flexor, extensor, left and right lateral flexors, protractors, and retractors

ICC (95% CI) and 2-way nested ANOVA random model

ICC (95% CI)

Flexion: 0.99 (0.97, 1.0)

Extension: 0.95 (0.90, 0.99)

Right lateral flexion: 0.92 (0.74, 0.97)

Left lateral flexion: 0.94 (0.89, 0.97)

Protraction: 0.99 (0.97, 1.0)

Retraction: 0.97 (0.95, 0.99)

Cibulka et al. [3]

Reliability (intra-rater)

Measurement error

2 raters

Same day testing

Time interval: 1 min


Left and right Sternocleidomastoid

ICC (2.2) (95% CI)


SEM = SD × √ (1-ICC)

ICC (95% CI)

Left: 0.97 (0.95–0.99)

Right: 0.95 (0.1–0.98)


Left: 1.82

Right: 1.67


Left: 3.16

Right: 3.56

Jordan et al. [11]

Reliability (Intra-rater)

Measurement error

1 rater

Same day testing

Time interval: 1-2 minutes


Neck flexors and extensors

A linear regression model analysis to derive the correlation coefficient (r)



Maximal isometric torque in flexion:

r = 0.968 (p > 0.001)

Maximal isometric torque in extension:

r = 0.938 (p > 0.001)


Flexion: 6.5%

Extension: 13%

No systematic difference between recordings (p > 0.05)

O’Leary et al. [25]

Reliability (test-retest)

Measurement error

1 rater

Between day testing

Time interval: 2 weeks


Cranio-cervical flexors

ICC (2.1)


(MVIC peak torque):


Inner torque–0.93

Middle torque–0.91

Outer torque–0.87

SEM (Nm)

Inner torque–0.7

Middle torque–1

Outer torque–1

Pearson et al. [26]

Reliability (test-retest)

Measurement error

Raters not reported

Between day testing

Time interval: 48 h


Neck flexors, extensors, right and left lateral flexors, protractors, and retractors

ICC (3.3) (95% CI)

SEM = SD × √ (1–ICC)

MDC (90% CI) = SEM × √2 × (z score)90


ICC (95% CI)

Flexion: 0.95 (0.83–0.98)

Extension: 0.98 (0.93–0.99)

Protraction: 0.85 (0.54–0.95)

Retraction: 0.89 (0.64–0.96)

Left lateral flexion: 0.93 (0.77–0.98)

Right lateral flexion: 0.87 (0.59–0.96)

Composite: 0.95 (0.84–0.98)


On average, ±9.1 N for an individual with WAD

Flexion: 7.5

Extension: 6.2

Protraction: 13.7

Retraction: 14.6

Left lateral flexion: 6.2

Right lateral flexion: 6.4

Composite: 9.1 ± 3.9

MDC (90% CI) (N)

Average ± SD MDC90 values for force recordings were 21.1 ± 9.2 N for the WAD group

Flexion: 17.5

Extension: 14.5

Protraction: 31.9

Retraction: 33.9

Left lateral flexion: 14.4

Right lateral flexion: 14.8

Composite: 21.1 ± 9.2

CoV (%)

Flexion: 18.9

Extension: 11.2

Protraction: 30.9

Retraction: 29.9

Left lateral flexion: 16.2

Right lateral flexion: 18.9

Composite: 21 ± 7.8

Scheuer and Friedrich [28]

Reliability (Intra and inter-rater)

Intra-rater: 1 rater

Inter-rater: 2 raters

Intra-rater (short term): same-day testing

Time interval: 30–60 min

(long term): between-day testing

Time interval: 3–5 days

Inter-rater: same-day testing

Time interval: 30–60 min


Neck flexors, extensors, left and right lateral flexors



Flexion: 0.85

Extension: 0.76

Left lateral flexion: 0.80

Right lateral flexion: 0.87

Shahidi et al. [30]

Reliability (inter-rater)

Measurement error

2 raters

Between-day testing

Time interval: Mean ± SD (range)

9 ± 4 days (3–14 days)


Neck flexors, extensors and lateral flexors

ICC (2.1) (95% CI) (two-way random effects model for absolute agreement

MDC = 1.96 × √2 × SD × √ (1–test-retest reliability coefficient)

ICC (95% CI)

Flexion: 0.54 (0.05–0.81)

Extension: 0.39 (−0.10–0.73)

Left side flexion: 0.72 (0.37–0.89)

Right side flexion: 0.56 (0.22–0.82)


Flexion: 8.7

Extension: 12.5

Left side flexion: 6.3

Right side flexion: 7.2

Vernon et al. [33]

Reliability (intra-rater)

Raters not reported

Same day testing

Time interval: 5 secs


Neck flexors, extensors, right rotators and right lateral flexors



Flexion: 0.98

Extension: 0.95

Right rotation: 0.99

Right lateral flexion: 0.98

All ranges of motion: 0.98

Ylinen et al. [37]

Reliability (test-retest)

2 raters

Between day testing

Time interval: 1 day


Neck flexor, extensor left and right rotators



Flexion: 0.86 (0.70–0.94)

Extension: 0.98 (0.94–0.99)

Left rotation: 0.75 (0.49–0.89)

Right rotation: 0.74 (0.47–0.89)

  1. ANOVA analysis of variance, CI confidence intervals, CNP chronic neck pain, CoV coefficient of variance, ICC intra-class coefficients; MDC minimal detectable change, MVIC maximal voluntary isometric contraction, SDD smallest detectable difference, SEM standard error of measurement, SRD smallest real difference, WAD Whiplash-associated disorder