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Table 2 A pilot search strategy conducted in PubMed database

From: Mapping global evidence on public-private partnership for medical rehabilitation services delivery: a scoping review protocol




Search results



(((((“rehabilitant”[All Fields] OR “rehabilitants”[All Fields] OR “rehabilitate”[All Fields] OR “rehabilitated”[All Fields] OR “rehabilitates”[All Fields] OR “rehabilitating”[All Fields] OR “rehabilitation”[MeSH Terms] OR “rehabilitation”[All Fields] OR “rehabilitations”[All Fields] OR “rehabilitative”[All Fields] OR “rehabilitation”[MeSH Subheading] OR “rehabilitation s”[All Fields] OR “rehabilitational”[All Fields] OR “rehabilitator”[All Fields] OR “rehabilitators”[All Fields])) OR (“physical therapy modalities”[MeSH Terms] OR (“physical”[All Fields] AND “therapy”[All Fields] AND “modalities”[All Fields]) OR “physical therapy modalities”[All Fields] OR “physiotherapies”[All Fields] OR “physiotherapy”[All Fields]) OR (“occupational therapy”[MeSH Terms] OR (“occupational”[All Fields] AND “therapy”[All Fields]) OR “occupational therapy”[All Fields]) OR (“speech therapy”[MeSH Terms] OR (“speech”[All Fields] AND “therapy”[All Fields]) OR “speech therapy”[All Fields])) AND (“public private sector partnerships”[MeSH Terms] OR (“public-private”[All Fields] AND “sector”[All Fields] AND “partnerships”[All Fields]) OR “public private sector partnerships”[All Fields] OR (“public”[All Fields] AND “private”[All Fields] AND “partnership”[All Fields]) OR “public private partnership”[All Fields])) OR (“public-private”[All Fields] AND “mix”[All Fields]) OR (“public private sector partnerships”[MeSH Terms] OR (“public-private”[All Fields] AND “sector”[All Fields] AND “partnerships”[All Fields]) OR “public private sector partnerships”[All Fields] OR (“public”[All Fields] AND “private”[All Fields] AND “cooperation”[All Fields]) OR “public private cooperation”[All Fields]) OR (“public-private”[All Fields] AND (“coordinate”[All Fields] OR “coordinated”[All Fields] OR “coordinately”[All Fields] OR “coordinates”[All Fields] OR “coordinating”[All Fields] OR “coordination”[All Fields] OR “coordinations”[All Fields] OR “coordinative”[All Fields] OR “coordinatively”[All Fields] OR “coordinator”[All Fields] OR “coordinator s”[All Fields] OR “coordinators”[All Fields])) OR (“public-private”[All Fields] AND (“collaborate”[All Fields] OR “collaborated”[All Fields] OR “collaborates”[All Fields] OR “collaborating”[All Fields] OR “collaboration”[All Fields] OR “collaborations”[All Fields] OR “collaborative”[All Fields] OR “collaborative s”[All Fields] OR “collaboratively”[All Fields] OR “collaboratives”[All Fields] OR “collaborator”[All Fields] OR “collaborators”[All Fields])) OR ((“contract s”[All Fields] OR “contracted”[All Fields] OR “contractibility”[All Fields] OR “contraction”[All Fields] OR “contractional”[All Fields] OR “contractions”[All Fields] OR “contractive”[All Fields] OR “contractivity”[All Fields] OR “contracts”[MeSH Terms] OR “contracts”[All Fields] OR “contract”[All Fields] OR “contracting”[All Fields]) AND “out”[All Fields]) OR ((“contract s”[All Fields] OR “contracted”[All Fields] OR “contractibility”[All Fields] OR “contraction”[All Fields] OR “contractional”[All Fields] OR “contractions”[All Fields] OR “contractive”[All Fields] OR “contractivity”[All Fields] OR “contracts”[MeSH Terms] OR “contracts”[All Fields] OR “contract”[All Fields] OR “contracting”[All Fields]) AND “out”[All Fields]) OR ”private"[All Fields] OR ”privately”[All Fields] OR “privates”[All Fields] OR “privatization”[MeSH Terms] OR “privatization”[All Fields] OR “privatizations”[All Fields] OR “privatize”[All Fields] OR “privatized”[All Fields] OR “privatizing”[All Fields]) AND (“economics”[MeSH Subheading] OR “economics”[All Fields] OR “finances”[All Fields] OR “economics”[MeSH Terms] OR “financing”[All Fields] OR “finance”[All Fields] OR “financed”[All Fields] OR “financer”[All Fields] OR “financers”[All Fields] OR “financings”[All Fields]) AND (“initiative”[All Fields] OR “initiative s”[All Fields] OR “initiatives”[All Fields]) AND (“contract s”[All Fields] OR “contracted”[All Fields] OR “contractibility”[All Fields] OR “contraction”[All Fields] OR “contractional”[All Fields] OR “contractions”[All Fields] OR “contractive”[All Fields] OR “contractivity”[All Fields] OR “contracts”[MeSH Terms] OR “contracts”[All Fields] OR “contract”[All Fields] OR “contracting”[All Fields]))) AND (y_10[Filter])