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Table 3 Characteristics and results of the included studies

From: Characteristics and recovery methods of studies falsely excluded during literature screening—a systematic review

Author, year

Key question

Study design

Risk of bias


N of analyzed SRs, studies, publications

Abstract and/or full-text screening

N of reviewers involved

Proportion of falsely excluded studies/publications by characteristic

Proportion of falsely excluded studies that could be recovered

Busse 2014 [16]

KQ 2

Methods study with a case-study design


To explore the extent to which English-speaking reviewers can differentiate eligible from ineligible foreign-language articles in a systematic review of all treatments for fibromyalgia

1 SR, 53 studies

Full-text screening


Single screening:


Dual screening:

Non-English language:

Overall: 6/53 (11.3%)

German: 2/16 (12.5%)

French: 1/4 (25.0%)

Turkish: 1/9 (11.1%)

Chinese: 1/7 (14.3%)

Korean: 1/1 (100%)

Italian: 0/5 (0%)

Spanish: 0/5 (0%)

Portuguese: 0/3 (0%)

Dutch: 0/1 (0%)

Russian: 0/1 (0%)

Polish: 0/1 (0%)


Feehan 2011 [10, 17]

KQ 1, KQ 2

Methods study with a case-study design


To track eligible articles identified by checking references lists and to determine which of those had also been found through database searches, but had been screened out by the review authors

1 SR, 119 studies, 134 publications

Abstract screening


Single screening:


Dual screening:

Abstract content details:

11/134 publications (8.2%) due to uninformative titles and abstracts of the bibliographic record

11/11 publications (100%) through reference list checking

0/11 publications through contacting key authors, reference list checking, forward citation tracking

Rathbone 2017 [15]

KQ 2

Methods study with a case-series design


To evaluate the feasibility of PICo-based title-only screening for scoping searches and rapid reviews by measuring the reduction in screening effort and the maintenance of recall of relevant records

10 SRs, 211 studies

Abstract screening


Single screening:

Abstract content details:

1/211 (0.005%) due to an uninformative title

Dual screening:



  1. Abbreviations: KQ key question, N number, NA not applicable, NR not reported, PICo Participants, Intervention, and Comparator, but not the Outcome, SR systematic review