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Table 2 Draft search strategy for one of the databases

From: Mental health resilience in offspring of depressed parents: a systematic literature review protocol




1 exp Parents/

2 exp Caregivers/

3 exp Mood Disorders/

4 exp Depression/

5 exp Child/

6 exp Resilience, Psychological/

7 exp Protective Factors/

8 exp “Systematic Review”/

9 exp “Review”/

10 exp Meta-Analysis/

11 exp Qualitative Research/

12 (caregiver* or parent* or maternal or paternal or mother* or father*).ab,kw,ot,ti.

13 (depress* or (affective adj2 disorder*) or (mood adj2 disorder*)).ab,kw,ot,ti.

14 (offspring* or child* or son* or daughter*).ab,kw,ot,ti.

15 (resilien* or protect* or buffer* or (mitigat* adj2 risk) or (optimi* adj2 outcome*) or (adapt* adj2 functioning) or thriv* or (positive adj2 adapt*)).ab,kw,ot,ti.

16 (review* or comment* or letter or metaanalysis or meta-analysis or (meta adj2 analysis) or editorial or (conference adj2 publication) or qualitative).ab,kw,ot,ti.

17 1 or 2 or 12

18 3 or 4 or 13

19 5 or 14

20 6 or 7 or 15

21 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 16

22 17 and 18 and 19 and 20

23 22 not 21