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Table 3 Script used for the meta-analysis of data from systematic review

From: Effects of aerobic, resistance, and combined training on endothelial function and arterial stiffness in older adults: study protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis

• library (readxl)

• FMD_RV <- read_excel ("C:/Metanalysis_Raphael/database_analysis/FMD_RV.xlsx")

• View (FMD_RV)

• Meta_1 = FMD_RV <- metacont (t_n, t_mean, t_dp, c_n, c_mean, c_dp, Study, predict = TRUE, data = FMD_RV, sm = "MD")

• Meta_1

• forest (Meta_1, sortvar = Study, xlim = c (-10.0, 10.0), predict = TRUE, col.square = "grey", col.diamond = "black", digits = 2)

• forest (Meta_1, comb.fixed = FALSE, sortvar = Study, xlim = c (-10.0, 10.0), = 2, digits.I2= 2, = TRUE , digits.tau2 = 2, digits.pval.Q = 3, squaresize = 0.5, lab.e = "Experimental", lab.c = "Control", col.inside = "black", col.square = "grey", col.diamond = "black", col.predict = "transparent", digits = 2)

• baujat (Meta_1, ylim = c (-1.0, 1.0), xlim = c (-200, 200))

• metainf (Meta_1, pooled = "random")

• metabias (Meta_1, method.bias = "linreg")

• funnel (meta_Rapha1)