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Table 1 Eligibility criteria and examples for SDOH variables by study design

From: Social determinants of health and cancer screening implementation and outcomes in the USA: a systematic review protocol

Study design

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Hypothetical examples of eligible studies

Observational, qualitative

Studies that conceptually explore perspectives on how SDOH influence or relate to cancer screening (independent variable not assigned)

Studies that do not conceptually explore perspectives on how SDOH influence or relate to cancer screening

• Focus groups with Chinese-American women to explore transportation barriers for cervical cancer screening

• Interviews with primary care providers to explore how health literacy influences breast cancer screening among female patients

Observational, quantitative

Studies that examine SDOH as the independent variable(s), exposure(s), predictor(s), determinant(s), etc. in relation to cancer screening (independent variable not assigned)

Studies that report SDOH only as demographic or control variable(s)

• Cross-sectional survey to examine the association between racial/ethnic residential segregation and lung cancer screening

• Prospective cohort study to examine the longitudinal association between housing instability and colorectal cancer screening


Studies with SDOH as the intervention target(s) or as intervention component(s); studies that analyze SDOH as barriers, facilitators, and/or moderators of intervention effects

Studies that report SDOH only as demographic or control variable(s)

• Non-randomized controlled social support intervention to examine changes in breast cancer screening

• Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled multicomponent intervention to examine community educational attainment as an effect moderator of cervical cancer screening

  1. SDOH in hypothetical examples are bolded.