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Table 3 Pilot search in PubMed electronic database

From: Mapping research evidence on implementation of the WHO ‘best buys’ and other interventions for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review protocol




Search results

30 March 2021


((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((implementation) AND (best buys[MeSH Terms])) OR (best buys)) OR (cost-effective, affordable and evidence-based interventions[MeSH Terms])) OR (cost-effective, affordable and evidence-based interventions)) AND (cost-effective interventions[MeSH Terms])) OR (cost-effective interventions)) AND (affordable interventions[MeSH Terms])) OR (affordable interventions)) AND (evidence-based interventions[MeSH Terms])) OR (evidence-based interventions)) AND (prevention and control[MeSH Terms])) OR (prevention and control)) AND (prevention[MeSH Terms])) OR (prevention)) AND (control[MeSH Terms])) OR (control)) AND (noncommunicable diseases[MeSH Terms])) OR (non-communicable diseases[MeSH Terms])) OR (noncommunicable diseases)) OR (non-communicable diseases)) OR (chronic diseases[MeSH Terms])) AND (salt[MeSH Terms])) OR (salt)) AND (nutrition labelling[MeSH Terms])) OR (nutrition labelling)) OR (food labelling[MeSH Terms])) OR (food labelling)) AND (food legislation[MeSH Terms])) OR (food legislation)) AND (fruits and vegetables[MeSH Terms])) OR (fruits and vegetables)) AND (fruits[MeSH Terms])) OR (fruits)) AND (vegetables[MeSH Terms])) OR (vegetables)) AND (unhealthy diet[MeSH Terms])) OR (unhealthy diet)) AND (diet[MeSH Terms])) OR (diet)) AND (Sub-Saharan Africa)) OR (WHO African region)) OR (SSA) Filters: from 2017/6/1 - 2021/3/30
