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Table 1 Framework for data extraction

From: Emerging professional practices focusing on reducing inequity in speech-language therapy and audiology: a scoping review protocol

Study details

Characteristics of study


Citation (incl. authors, study title, journal)

Country (i.e. location of lead author)

Year of publication (i.e. when was the article first published?)

Population of interest (e.g. Refugee, migrant etc.)

Geographical context (i.e. where study took place)

Type of study (e.g. qualitative, quantitative)

Clinical practice (i.e. description of practice)

Definition of equity (e.g. human rights, naming of marginalised group)

Drivers for change (e.g. what is pushing for change?)

Practice innovation (i.e. how are the practices shifting from the traditional?)

Conceptual understanding of equity (i.e. what are the key principles informing shift toward equitable practices?)