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Table 2 Data extraction sheet used to extract information from studies describing interventions for mitigating the risk of waterborne diarrheal disease

From: Community-level interventions for mitigating the risk of waterborne diarrheal diseases: a systematic review



1. Title of study


2. Authors details


3. Year of publication


4. Aim or objective(s) of the study


5. Type of waterborne diarrheal disease(s)


6. Study design


7. Country setting (rural or urban or mixed)


8. Type of community settings (school, household, health facility)


9. Participants and cases


10. Participant’s comparison or control group if available


11. Sample size


12. Types of intervention(s)


13. Intervention comparison or control group if available


14. Data analysis outcome measures


15. Results and effects of the interventions


16. Conclusion


17. Funding