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Table 1 Example search strategy in Scopus

From: The psychological processes of classic psychedelics in the treatment of depression: a systematic review protocol

TITLE ( psychedelic OR hallucinogen OR tryptamine OR phenethylamine OR lsd OR "Lysgeric acid diethylamide" OR psilocybin OR psilocin OR psilocybe OR "magic mushrooms" OR dmt OR "N,N-DMT" OR “N,N-Dimethyltryptamine” OR dimethyltryptamine OR ayahuasca OR “Banisteriopsis caapi” OR “Banisteriopsis” OR “Psychotria viridis” OR hoasca OR mescaline OR peyote OR “San Pedro” OR ceremony* OR psychotomimetic OR psilocibin OR psilocybine OR “3,4,5-Trimethoxyphenethylamine” OR trimethoxyphenethylamine AND NOT microdos* AND NOT “dance movement therapy” AND NOT “disease modifying therapy

AND ALL ( depress* OR "mood disorder" OR “affective disorder” OR “psychopathology” OR “mental illness” OR “mental health” OR “treatment resistant” OR “major depressive disorder” OR “depress* symptom” OR suicide*

AND ALL ( "psych*proces*" OR mediator OR moderator OR mechanism OR "mechanism of change" OR “mechanism of action” OR affect OR avoidance OR acceptance OR mindful* OR "emotional process*" OR "therapeutic potential” OR “think*” OR “emotional state” OR decentering OR values OR “psych* flexibil*” or cognit* OR motivation OR personality OR “personality style” OR avoidance OR wellbeing OR “quality of life” OR “self-concept” OR “behavio* activat*” OR set OR setting OR rumination OR perception OR reinforc* OR spirit* OR open* OR “experiential breakthrough” OR “ego dissolution” OR “ego death” OR “mystical experience” OR “mystical-type experience” or “emotional breakthrough” OR “quality”)