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Table 1 Main search terms

From: Visual impairment and medication safety: a protocol for a scoping review

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1 (preventable adverse drug or medication related adverse event?).ti.

2 Medication errors/ or Inappropriate Prescribing/

3 (medication safety or medication incident? or medication error?).ti,ab.

4 ((pharmacist? or prescrib$ or prescription? or dispens$ or dosing) adj2 (error? or mistake? or miscalculat$)).ti,ab.

5 (medication? adj2 misadventure?).ti,ab.

6 ((inappropriate adj3 (prescription? or medication?)) or ((appropriat$ or inappropriat$ or optimal) adj2 prescrib$)).ti,ab.

7 effective prescribing practice?.ti,ab.

8 medication reconciliation/ [...done to avoid medication errors.]

9 (quality improv$ and (prescrib$ or prescript$ or dosing)).ti.

10 ((weight-based or surface-based or weight independent) adj2 (prescrib$ or dose or dosing or dosage?)).ti,ab. and (safety or error?).ti,hw.

11 ((drug? or medication? or medicine? or dose or dosage? or dosing) adj2 wrong$).ti,ab.

12 (medication? adj2 (reconciliation? or audit? or quality improvement)).ti.

13 (accident$ adj2 overdose?).ti,ab.

14 (near miss or near misses).ti,ab.

15 ((excess$ or inadequat$) adj2 (dosage? or dose? or dosing)).ti,ab.

16 (“medication related” adj2 (problem? or issue? or hospitali?ation? or mortal$ or morbid$ or illness$ or condition?)).ti,ab.

17 Medical Order Entry Systems/ and (prescript$ or prescrib$).ti,hw.

18 Decision Support Systems, Clinical/ and (prescrib*.ti,hw. or medication?.ti. or *drug therapy/)

19 “Drug Therapy, Computer-Assisted”/ and (safety or error?).ti.

20 Electronic prescribing/ and (safety or error? or improv$).ti.

21 (prevent$ and (error? or (adverse adj2 event?))).ti. and (dosing or drug? or medication? or prescript$ or prescrib$).ti,hw.

22 ((drug? or medication? or prescrib$) adj3 error?).ti. and ((prevent$ or reduce? or reducing).ti. or pc.fs.)

23 “Pharmaceutical Preparations”/ae and (prevent$.ti. or (prevention or preventing).hw.)

24 (Pharmaceutical preparations/ or Drug Therapy/ or exp Drug Administration Routes/ or exp Drug administration schedule/ or exp drug delivery systems/ or drug dosage calculations/ or exp drug prescriptions/ or exp drug therapy, Combination/ or Drug Therapy, Computer-assisted/) and (error? or mistake or mistakes or prevent$ adverse).ti.

25 (Medication Systems, Hospital/ or Pharmacy Service, Hospital/) and ((error? or mistake or mistakes or prevent$ adverse).ti. or ((prevent$ or reduce? or reducing) adj2 (error? or adverse event? or adverse drug event? or medication related problem?)).ab.)

26 (exp therapeutic uses/ or exp anti-infective agents/ or exp anti-bacterial agents/) and (((prevent$ or reduce? or reducing) and (error? or (adverse$ adj3 event?))) or (inappropriat$ adj2 “use”)).ti.

27 Medical errors/pc and (medication? or drug?).ti,ab.

28 (exp therapeutic uses/ or exp anti-infective agents/ or exp anti-bacterial agents/) and Medical Errors/

29 (Pharmaceutical preparations/ or Drug Therapy/ or exp Drug Administration Routes/ or exp Drug administration schedule/ or exp drug delivery systems/ or drug dosage calculations/ or exp drug prescriptions/ or exp drug therapy, Combination/ or Drug Therapy, Computer-assisted/) and Medical Errors/

30 (prevent$ adverse drug or (causes adj2 (prescri$ error? or medication? error?)) or medication related adverse).ti,ab.

31 Medication errors/pc or Inappropriate Prescribing/pc

32 or/2-31 [Med Errors]

Medication safety

See Maaskant et al, 2015

exp Visually Impaired Persons/ or (Visually adj3 Impaired adj3 Person*).tw. 2) exp Vision Disorders/ 3) exp Blindness/ or 4) exp Vision, Low/ 5) ((low* or handicap* or subnormal* or impair* or partial* or disab* or reduce* or diminish* or decrease* or problem* or disorder* or loss or disease* or defect* or disturb*) adj3 (vision or visual* or sight* or eye or eyes or eyesight or sight)).tw. 6) Blind*.tw. 7) (rehabilitat* adj4 (vision or visual* or sight* or eye or eyes or sight or eyesight)).tw.

Visual Impairment

Taken from Kentab, 2019