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Table 1 Online search features

From: Are mental disorders related to disbelief in free will? A systematic review




Search terms

Combinations (round numbers)




free will OR free choice OR determinis* OR indeterminis* OR compatibilis* OR sense of agency OR personal agency OR personal autonomy OR self determination OR freedom

• 1 AND 2

• 1 AND 3

• 1 AND 4

• 1 AND (5 or 6)


psychotic or psychosis or schizo* or delusional or catatoni* or mood or affective or bipolar or cyclothymic or depress* or dysphoric


anxiety OR panic OR phobi* OR agoraphobia OR hypochondria* OR illness anxiety disorder OR posttrauma* OR acute stress disorder


obsessive-compulsive OR body dysmorphic disorder OR dysmorphophobia OR hoard* OR trichotillomania OR hair-pulling OR skin-picking OR excoriation disorder OR stereotyp* OR Tourette OR tic* OR binge eating OR avoidant food intake disorder OR restrictive food intake disorder OR anorexi* OR bulimi*


“substance use” OR “drug use”


addicti* OR substance abuse OR drug abuse OR alcohol OR cannabis OR phencyclidine OR hallucinogen OR inhalant OR opioid OR stimulant OR tobacco OR gambling OR cocaine OR anxiolytic OR sedative OR hypnotic OR impulse-control OR impulsivity OR kleptomania OR pyromania OR attention-deficit

Web of Science


“free will” OR “free choice” OR determinis* OR indeterminis* OR compatibilis* OR “sense of agency” OR “personal agency” OR “personal autonomy” OR “self determination” OR freedom

• 1 AND 2

• 1 AND 3

• 1 AND 4

• 1 AND 5


psychotic or psychosis or schizo* or delusional or catatoni* or mood or affective or bipolar or cyclothymic or depress* or dysphoric


anxiety OR panic OR phobi* OR agoraphobia OR hypochondria* OR “illness anxiety disorder” OR posttrauma* OR “acute stress disorder”


obsessive-compulsive OR “body dysmorphic disorder” OR dysmorphophobia OR hoard* OR trichotillomania OR hair-pulling OR skin-picking OR “excoriation disorder” OR stereotyp* OR Tourette OR tic* OR “binge eating” OR “avoidant food intake disorder” OR “restrictive food intake disorder” OR anorexi* OR bulimi*


addicti* OR “substance use” OR “substance abuse” OR “drug use” OR “drug abuse” OR alcohol OR cannabis OR phencyclidine OR hallucinogen OR inhalant OR opioid OR stimulant OR tobacco OR gambling OR cocaine OR anxiolytic OR sedative OR hypnotic OR impulse-control OR impulsivity OR kleptomania OR pyromania OR attention-deficit

  1. aFor all searches, the title, abstract, and keywords search field was adopted