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Table 1 Draft search strategy

From: The impact of physical activity and exercise interventions for physical health in people with cystic fibrosis: protocol for a systematic review




cystic fibrosis OR CF


physical activ* OR exercis* OR sport* OR recreation* OR move* OR yoga OR Tai Chi OR walk* OR run OR runn* OR play* OR jog* OR cycl* OR game* OR inactive* OR sedentary OR swim* OR hike OR hiking* OR fitness OR gym* OR resistance OR aerobic OR leisure time OR active travel OR jumping OR danc*

Study design

random* OR control trial OR RCT OR clinical trial OR randomly OR groups OR allocat* OR crossover OR (((systematic OR state-of-the-art OR scoping OR literature OR umbrella) ADJ (review* OR overview* OR assessment*)) OR “review* of reviews” OR meta-analy* OR metaanaly* OR ((systematic OR evidence) ADJ1 assess*) OR “research evidence” OR metasynthe* OR meta-synthe*).tw. OR exp Review Literature as Topic/ OR exp Review/ OR Meta-Analysis as Topic/ OR Meta-Analysis/ OR “systematic review”/