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Table 1 Summary of reported barriers

From: Factors that influence adherence to surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis (SAP) guidelines: a systematic review

Author (year) and country

Study design and population

TDF Domain

Description of reported barrier

Al-Azzam et al. (2012) [35]


Quantitative, descriptive (cross-sectional survey)


Personal barrier (intrapersonal):

- Lack of guideline knowledge


Environmental context and resources

Organisational barriers:

- Work flow

- Lack of organisational communication

- Drug unavailability

- Drug cost

- Presence of institutional policy (preventing the use of international guidelines – note that authors were determining compliance to international guidelines in this paper)

Bonfait et al. (2010) [36]


Quantitative, descriptive

Social/Professional role and identity

Personal barriers (interpersonal):

- Lack of role delegation for prescribing and administering antibiotics

Orthopaedic surgeons


Personal barriers (intrapersonal):

- Lack of awareness of guideline content

- Antibiotics not administered due to “negligence or oversight”

Memory, attention and decision processes

Environmental context and resources

Organisational barriers:

- Lack of communication between specialties (anaesthetists and surgeons) at induction

- Insufficient staff training

- Excessive workload and inappropriate work allocation

- Lack of written guidelines

- Guidelines present in the wrong place – inaccessible in theatre or on the wards

Broom et al. (2018) [37]



Memory attention and decision processes

Personal barriers (intrapersonal):


- Lack of confidence in ability to protect against adverse consequences/ fear of repercussions (infections) hence extended duration of prophylaxis (“peace of mind”)

- Level of experience (junior vs senior)



Beliefs about consequences

Beliefs about capabilities




Social influences

Organisational barriers:

- Culture of improvisation as the norm rather than guideline adherence

- Antibiotic prophylaxis is seen as low priority by staff in theatre especially if competing demands are present

Environmental context and resources

Chen et al. (2018) [38]


Quantitative descriptive


Personal barriers (intrapersonal):

- Lack of awareness

- Reliance on personal experience to determine practice

Beliefs about capabilities

Paediatric electrophysiologists

Environmental context and resources

Organisational barriers:

- Presence of institutional guidelines (preventing national guidelines from being used – note that authors were reviewing compliance to national guidelines in this study)

- Lack of data present for paediatric population (hence national guidelines not being adhered to)

Madubueze et al. (2015) [39]


Quantitative descriptive


Personal barriers (intrapersonal):

- Habits that have been picked up during training or practice

- Belief that proper aseptic techniques are not being followed on site

Orthopaedic surgeons

Beliefs about consequences

Environmental context and resources

Organisational barriers:

- Work environment sterility (not considered clean enough hence the extension of antibiotic use)

Tan et al. (2006) [40]



Social/professional role and identity

Personal barriers (interpersonal):

Role perception:

- Shared responsibility: belief that there is a shared responsibility in administering antibiotics (should be administered by whoever it is most convenient for at the time)

- Individual responsibility: belief that antibiotic should be administered by nurse or anaesthesiologist

- Resignation: anaesthesiologists expressed resentment at having to administer antibiotics – was considered external to scope of practice; violation of medical hierarchy



Peri-operative administrators (nurse/anaesthesia administrators)



Social influences


Environmental context and resources

Organisational barriers:

- Inherent unpredictability of workflow systems as well as unanticipated changes to workflow

- Antibiotic prophylaxis considered as low priority given other competing concerns in theatre

- Administration is seen as inconvenient as it disrupts preoperative routine

- Lack of verbal communication regarding antibiotics information