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Table 2 Summary risk of bias ratings

From: Cost-related medication nonadherence in Canada: a systematic review of prevalence, predictors, and clinical impact

  1. aRoB domains for randomized controlled studies (1 = random sequence generation; 2 = allocation concealment; 3 = blinded participants and providers; 4 = blinded outcome assessors; 5 = incomplete outcome data; 6 = selective reporting; 7 = other biases)
  2. bRoB domains for qualitative studies (1 = clear statement of aims; 2 = qualitative methods justified; 3 = appropriate design for research aims; 4 = appropriate recruitment strategy; 5 = confidence in data collection; 6 = personal biases; 7 = ethical considerations; 8 = confidence in data analysis; 9 = clear statement of findings; 10 = value of research)
  3. cRoB domains for pre-post time series studies (1 = confounding variables/events; 2 = analysis at point of intervention; 3 = intervention effects on data collection; 4 = blinding or objective outcomes; 5 = effect of missing outcome measures; 6 = selective reporting; 7 = other biases)
  4. dRoB domains for surveys (1 = representativeness of sample; 2 = adequacy of response rate; 3 = missing data; 4 = pilot testing; 5 = published validity of survey instrument). denotes a high risk of bias, denotes a moderate risk of bias, and denotes a low risk of bias)