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Table 2 Guiding questions for conducting the environmental scan

From: Health and well-being literacy initiatives focusing on immigrant communities: an environmental scan protocol to identify "what works and what does not"

Current evidence on health and wellness literacy initiatives

Gaps in knowledge about health and wellness literacy initiatives

Basics on health and wellness literacy initiatives formation process

What exactly is health and wellness literacy initiative?

What are the key uncertainties regarding a health and wellness literacy initiative in terms of impact?

What types of health and wellness literacy initiatives exist?

What health and wellness literacy initiatives have shown previous benefit?

What are the ongoing studies on health and wellness literacy initiatives?

What are the benefits and drawbacks to each health and wellness literacy initiative?

What are the previous benefits or drawbacks of health and wellness literacy initiatives?

What populations are currently receiving health and wellness literacy initiatives?

What aspects of health and wellness literacy initiatives are likely to make them more or less effective?

In what populations have health and wellness literacy initiatives been implemented and studied?

What aspects of health and wellness literacy initiatives matter to different stakeholders?

For what aspect of a population was a health and wellness literacy initiative developed? And was the impact measured?