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Table 3 Data charting form for CTD scoping review objectives and research question(s)

From: Integrated care pathways for Black persons with traumatic brain injury: a protocol for a critical transdisciplinary scoping review



Summary characteristics

• Who are the author(s) and what are the years of publication?

• What are the titles of the studies?

• What is the study methodology (i.e., quantitative, qualitative and/or mixed methods including ethnography, phenomenology, review, or commentary)?

• What are the authors’ stated objective(s)?

• What is the geographical location of the study

• What are the funding sources of the study?

• What is the type of health system (federal, state, and provincial)?

Characteristics of the sample (for empirical texts), or who the authors are writing about (for non-empirical texts)

• Who are the participants (age, sex/gender, and race)?

• What are the inclusion/exclusion criteria of the study population?

• How do the authors define race?

• How do the authors define Black?

• How do the authors define and/or discuss sex and gender in relation to the Black participants?

• What is the socioeconomic status of the participants? What is the mechanism of injury?

• What is the severity of injury (mild, moderate, and severe)?

• What is the time since the injury?

• Where are the participants coming from and/or going to (i.e., hospital-based care, community-based care, return to home)?

Elements of the integrated care pathway (characteristics and persons involved)

• How is integrated care pathway described (i.e., integrated services, integrated collaborative practice, integrated organizations level, or systems level integration)?

• What is the trajectory followed by Black people to obtain care (i.e., what are the pathways to care for Black people)?

• What are the setting(s) for the integrated care pathway (inpatient, outpatient, community-based care, primary care)?

• Which designated (i.e., clinicians) and non-designated (i.e., chaplains, caregivers, family, and/or peer supports) providers are part of this integrated care pathway (racial/ethnic characteristics) and what are their roles?

• How does the integrated care pathway consider the mechanism of injury (i.e., interpersonal violence, accident, self-inflicted)?

• How does the integrated care pathway consider occupation?

What is the integrated care pathway addressing?

• How does the integrated care pathway address the person (i.e., cognitive, affective, and physical)?

• How does the integrated care pathway consider spirituality?

• How does the integrated care pathway consider the environment (i.e., cultural, institutional, physical, and social spaces)?

Outcomes, barriers, and facilitators to the integrated care pathway

• What do the authors report as the main findings related to the integrated care pathway?

• What are any reported barriers and/or facilitators to the integrated care pathway, and for whom (i.e., are they based on reported perceptions such as attitudes, beliefs, values, and/or knowledge)?

• What claims do the authors make about Black people?

• How are Black people included in the analysis?

• How does anti-Blackness show up in the studies?

• Is sex and/or gender included in the analysis about Black people?

• What conclusions are reached about the mechanism of injury for Black people, and what are the implications for occupation?