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Table 1 Respective roles of the commissioning and review teams

From: Case report: a rapid review approach used by the UK National Screening Committee to inform recommendations on general population screening for vasa praevia

Commissioning team

Review team

Identifying and liaising with experts in the areas of antenatal screening and VP throughout the review process


 • Preparing and supplying review brief, outlining:

  o Aims, background and key questions

  o Population, Intervention, Comparator and Outcomes (PICO) for each question

 • Critiquing the proposed review approach, including:

  o Commenting on draft versions of the review protocol

  o Providing and coordinating expert input

 • Providing the evidence summary reporting checklist and evidence summary template

Developing a formal review protocol to meet the review brief provided by the commissioning team, including developing the search strategy

Clarifying queries from the review team regarding the eligibility criteria

• Conducting literature searches

• Screening the search results against prespecified eligibility criteria and making final decisions with regard to the eligibility of studies for inclusion in the review

• Extracting data from relevant studies and assessing the quality of each study

 • Assisting the review team with making judgements as to whether the evidence identified met the UK NSC evidence criteria

 • Leading discussion of the draft review within the UK NSC reference group structures

Synthesising the data relating to each review question, including making a judgement as to whether the UK NSC’s screening criteria were met or not

Leading the 3-month public stakeholder consultation, including:

 • Hosting the consultation on the UK NSC website

 • Analysing the stakeholder input and coordinating appropriate responses and changes to the final product where required

Developing a full report meeting the requirements of the UK NSC’s evidence summary reporting checklist

Preparing the report of the review process for the UK NSC decision-making meeting

Supporting the commissioning team in responding to comments from the public stakeholder consultation