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Table 1 Implementation outcome measures included in the review

From: Influence of external contextual factors on the implementation of health and social care interventions into practice within or across countries—a protocol for a ‘best fit’ framework synthesis

Implementation outcome

Definition according to Proctor et al. [18]


Perception among implementation stakeholders that a given intervention is agreeable, palatable or satisfactory.


Intention, initial decision or action to attempt to employ an intervention.


Perceived fit, relevance or compatibility of the intervention for a given practice setting, provider or consumer; and/or perceived fit of the intervention to address a particular issue or problem.


Cost impact of an implementation effort.


Extent to which an intervention can be successfully used or carried out within a given setting.


Degree to which an intervention is implemented as it was intended in the original protocol or by the programme developers.


Integration of an intervention within a service setting.


Extent to which a newly implemented intervention is maintained or institutionalised within a service setting’s ongoing, stable operations.