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Table 1 Table of evidence with main characteristics of the included studies

From: New insulin delivery devices and glycemic outcomes in young patients with type 1 diabetes: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis


Design and registration details; founding


Year of baseline data collection

N and clinical characteristics


Type of diabetes-related technology

Type of conventional treatment comparator

Inequality assessed from baseline characteristics


Length of follow-up

Authors, year of publication, name of the study

Study design/registration number/founding

Country or region


Number of patients assigned and that received each treatment (CSII:MDI);

Sex (M:F);


Baseline characteristics of participants (including duration of the disease, baseline HbA1c [mean % (SD)] and HRQoL assessment tool);

Other definition or comment

Community/clinical based research

Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII), including the use of adjunctive glucose monitors: model of devices and insulin

Multiple daily injections (MDI): injections and insulins

A. Place of residence

B. Race, ethnicity, culture and language

C. Occupation

D. Sex

E. Religion

F. Education

G. Socioeconomic status

H. Social capital

1. HbA1c at the end of the study: CSII versus MDI [mean % (SD)], sig

2. Total number of hypoglycemic episodes: CSII versus MDI, sig

3. Number of patients with a frequency of ≥ 1 Ketoacidosis episode: CSII versus MDI, sig

4. Glycemic variability: % of time in range, hypo and/or hyperglycemia: CSII versus MDI, sig

5. HRQoL score (±SD) at the end of the study: CSII vs. MDI, sig

Duration of follow

  1. CSII continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion, MDI multiple daily injection, M male, F female, HbA1c glycosylated hemoglobin, SD standard deviation, sig significance, HRQoL health-related quality of life